Music Ed and Performance

Is anyone here in the Music Performance and Education degree program? can you talk about what the audition process is like and if you like the major?

Can you indicate school? I know you first posted this in a school forum :slight_smile:

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I’m looking at Ithaca and University of Maryland!

Years ago, D auditioned at U Md for vocal performance. It was an all day affair with students from many instrument types, beginning with a presentation by the music faculty about the school. program requirements, … Next, there was a presentation on music history by a very engaging professor who actually made them dance/waltz. This relaxed everyone in the room! Following the talks, people were sorted by instrument type and were assigned audition times. You had about 20 minutes in a practice room before your audition. The panel consisted of the whole voice faculty. As in most places, you chose your first song and they requested the second. In addition to the prepared pieces, I think there was a sight singing exercise. After the audition, there was a theory test which they use in allocating scholarships - (I don’t this it was considered for admission). D did not choose Md in the end although she was admitted. Hope this helps! I don’t know anything about Ithaca’s process.

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