Music Merit Awards: Class of 2024

Looking amazing. Please keep those PMs coming.

*Asterisk indicates new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans of any kind. All are renewable for four years (two if MM) so the total amount is 4x what you see here.

*Arizona State
Tuition: $10,822 IS/$28,366 OOS
Cost of Attendance: $31,000/$49,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 OOS

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $52,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $65,000
Note: All music majors get 50% off tuition and a $4,000 housing credit, which are included below.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
*$34,000 (corrected)

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Ithaca College
Tuition: $47,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Loyola New Orleans
Tuition: $42,028
COA: $60,384
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

The New School/Mannes
Undergrad tuition: $50,640
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
Grad tuition: $46,000
COA: (flexible, approximately $70,000)
Class of 2022 MM awards:

Northwestern (Bienen)
Tuition (three quarters): $56,000
Total COA: $78,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Penn State
Tuition: $18,000 IS/$35,000 OOS
Total COA: $35,000 IS/$52,000 OOS (approximate)
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$4,000 (IS)

Pepperdine (Seaver)
Tuition: $55,000
Total COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

SUNY Purchase
Tuition: $7,070 IS / $16,980 OOS
COA: $28,231 / $38,141
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
*$0 (IS)

*Syracuse (Setnor)
Tuition: $52,000
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Temple University/Boyer
OOS Tuition: $33,032
OOS COA: $53,294
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*U. of Delaware
Tuition: $12,730 IS/$34,160 OOS
COA: $30,288/$51,718
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$12,730 (IS)

U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

University of North Texas
Tuition: $8,404 IS / $21,064 OOS
COA: $25,680 / $39,318
Scholarship Offered: $5,000 ($1,000 or over confers in-state tuition)

Adding a second update today because I missed a couple/made a couple of errors. Please keep the PMs coming. Congratulations to all!

*Asterisk indicates new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans, work-study, etc. All are renewable for four years (two if MM) so the total amount is 4x what you see here.

Arizona State
Tuition: $10,822 IS/$28,366 OOS
Cost of Attendance: $31,000/$49,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 OOS

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Bard College
MM Tuition $47,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
*$46,000 (x3)

Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Carnegie Mellon
Total COA:
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $52,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $65,000
Note: All music majors get 50% off tuition and a $4,000 housing credit, which are included below.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$34,000 (corrected)

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $13,000 IS/$38,000 OOS
COA: $28,000 IS/$53,000 OOS
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 (music, plus the same academic)

Ithaca College
Tuition: $47,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Loyola New Orleans
Tuition: $42,028
COA: $60,384
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

The New School/Mannes
Undergrad tuition: $50,640
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
Grad tuition: $46,000
COA: (flexible, approximately $70,000)
Class of 2022 MM awards:

Northwestern (Bienen)
Tuition (three quarters): $56,000
Total COA: $78,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Penn State
Tuition: $18,000 IS/$35,000 OOS
Total COA: $35,000 IS/$52,000 OOS (approximate)
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$4,000 (IS)

Pepperdine (Seaver)
Tuition: $55,000
Total COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

SUNY Purchase
Tuition: $7,070 IS / $16,980 OOS
COA: $28,231 / $38,141
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$0 (IS)

Syracuse (Setnor)
Tuition: $52,000
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

MM: Tuition $40,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Temple University/Boyer
OOS Tuition: $33,032
OOS COA: $53,294
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*U. of Delaware
Tuition: $12,730 IS/$34,160 OOS
COA: $30,288/$51,718
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$12,730 (IS)

U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

University of North Texas
Tuition: $8,404 IS / $21,064 OOS
COA: $25,680 / $39,318
Scholarship Offered: $5,000 ($1,000 or over confers in-state tuition)

Couple of awesome posts @bridgenail. As some of my D’s UG offers come in, I was asking some of the same questions. When I look at the offers based on the recommended math, it gives me a perspective that I was I’d understood a year ago. Our first time on the music school roller coaster and this is one of the posts that show me a lot of parents have the same thoughts/concerns as they navigate these waters.

Congratulations to all on the awards. These seem like big numbers! Great work! And thank you for the helpful thread.

Hey there @bridgenail !! This is a great thread! I’ve been back lurking on CC to help out a friend who’s son (jazz bass) is waiting on final results. Plus what else am I going to do during quarantine??? LOL!

One other idea to add to this that I think could be useful info, especially since tuition increases every year, is to maybe add a section for current students and schools and the ability to appeal and increase scholarship each year. At D’s school we have been successful with that. And I’ll let you know if we are successful again for next year. What could seem like a great award for year one may feel like less of one at year 3 when tuition has gone up exponentially. Just a thought.

Congrats to everyone!


@rubypiano I’ll PM you

Good morning. Fingers crossed for NYU, MSM and Peabody this week! Please keep the PMs coming. Don’t forget to include tuition (in- and out of state if relevant), total Cost of Attendance without scholarships, and your scholarship info. Congratulations to all!

*Asterisk indicates new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans, work-study, etc. All are renewable for four years (two if MM) so the total amount is 4x what you see here.

Arizona State
Tuition: $10,822 IS/$28,366 OOS
Cost of Attendance: $31,000/$49,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 OOS

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Bard College
MM Tuition $47,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $37,000
COA: $49,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$46,000 (x3)
*$29,000 (bumped from $11k; check your portal!)

Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Cal Arts
Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $71,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Carnegie Mellon
Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*CCM (Cincinnati)
Tuition: $11,000 (IS)/$26,000 (OOS)
Total COA: $22,000/$38,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$20,000 (IS)

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $52,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $65,000
Note: All music majors get 50% off tuition and a $4,000 housing credit, which are included below.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$34,000 (corrected)

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $13,000 IS/$38,000 OOS
COA: $28,000 IS/$53,000 OOS
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 (music, plus the same academic)

Ithaca College
Tuition: $47,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Loyola New Orleans
Tuition: $42,028
COA: $60,384
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$16,000 (x2)

The New School/Mannes
Undergrad tuition: $50,640
COA: $75,000
Note: New School negotiates so definitely worth an appeal, per an attendee from last year. Worth appealing
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
*$19,000 (under appeal)

Grad tuition: $46,000
COA: (flexible, approximately $70,000)
Class of 2022 MM awards:

Northwestern (Bienen)
Tuition (three quarters): $56,000
Total COA: $78,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Penn State
Tuition: $18,000 IS/$35,000 OOS
Total COA: $35,000 IS/$52,000 OOS (approximate)
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$4,000 (IS)

Pepperdine (Seaver)
Tuition: $55,000
Total COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

SUNY Purchase
Tuition: $7,070 IS / $16,980 OOS
COA: $28,231 / $38,141
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$0 (IS)

Syracuse (Setnor)
Tuition: $52,000
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

MM: Tuition $40,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Temple University/Boyer
OOS Tuition: $33,032
OOS COA: $53,294
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

U. of Delaware
Tuition: $12,730 IS/$34,160 OOS
COA: $30,288/$51,718
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$12,730 (IS)

*University of Denver (Lamont)
Tuition: $52,000
COA: $67,000
Note: most scholarships here are need-based, with an average of $40,000 per their website
Class of 2024 music awards (anecdotal):

U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

University of North Texas
Tuition: $8,404 IS / $21,064 OOS
COA: $25,680 / $39,318
Scholarship Offered: $5,000 ($1,000 or over confers in-state tuition)

So somebody already heard from IU/Jacobs? Not us. Hopefully in the next day or two.

Jacobs states on their web site that music scholarships will not be awarded until April 1. Was this an academic award from the university?

Our daughter’s Jacobs scholarship came a week ago today, March 23. She’s vocal performance, if that helps. Might vary by studio.

Over the years I have seen IU release scholarships by departments (usually the last two weeks of March). So UG VP may be coming out sooner
and still coming out. My D did not experience a mass emailing of results. She experienced a trickle throughout an afternoon into the evening for grad VP
right at the very end. But I know some results had gone out earlier in different depts. I had seen them here before my D got her results. Her results came at 8:00 pm the very last day
and she did get awards. So hang in there.

@akapiratequeen might you have info regarding the * update to Berklee/Berklee Boco and whether it was specifically related to Berklee or Boco at Berklee. I don’t have enough posts to PM :frowning:

Has anyone received merit info from Thornton yet?

@Jazzmom3 pming you!

First news from NYU and Peabody!

Please keep the PMs coming. Don’t forget to include tuition (in- and out of state if relevant), total Cost of Attendance without scholarships, and your scholarship info. Congratulations to all!

*Asterisk indicates new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans, work-study, etc. All are renewable for four years (two if MM) so the total amount is 4x (or 2x) what you see here. Rounded up to nearest thousand.

Arizona State
Tuition: $10,822 IS/$28,366 OOS
Cost of Attendance: $31,000/$49,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 OOS

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Bard College
MM Tuition $47,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $37,000
COA: $49,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$25,000 BoCo
$0 Berklee
$46,000 (x3) Berklee
$29,000 (bumped from $11k; check your portal!) Berklee

Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Cal Arts
Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $71,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Carnegie Mellon
Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

CCM (Cincinnati)
Tuition: $11,000 (IS)/$26,000 (OOS)
Total COA: $22,000/$38,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$20,000 (IS)

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $52,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $65,000
Note: All music majors get 50% off tuition and a $4,000 housing credit, which are included below.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$34,000 (corrected)

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $13,000 IS/$38,000 OOS
COA: $28,000 IS/$53,000 OOS
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$10,000 (music, plus the same academic)

Ithaca College
Tuition: $47,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Loyola New Orleans
Tuition: $42,028
COA: $60,384
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$16,000 (x2)

The New School/Mannes
Undergrad tuition: $50,640
COA: $75,000
Note: New School negotiates so definitely worth an appeal, per an attendee from last year. Worth appealing
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$19,000 (under appeal)
Grad tuition: $46,000
COA: (flexible, approximately $70,000)
Class of 2022 MM awards:

Northwestern (Bienen)
Tuition (three quarters): $56,000
Total COA: $78,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $55,000
Total COA: $79,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Penn State
Tuition: $18,000 IS/$35,000 OOS
Total COA: $35,000 IS/$52,000 OOS (approximate)
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$4,000 (IS)

Pepperdine (Seaver)
Tuition: $55,000
Total COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

SUNY Purchase
Tuition: $7,070 IS / $16,980 OOS
COA: $28,231 / $38,141
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$0 (IS)

Syracuse (Setnor)
Tuition: $52,000
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

MM: Tuition $40,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Temple University/Boyer
OOS Tuition: $33,032
OOS COA: $53,294
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

U. of Delaware
Tuition: $12,730 IS/$34,160 OOS
COA: $30,288/$51,718
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$12,730 (IS)

University of Denver (Lamont)
Tuition: $52,000
COA: $67,000
Note: most scholarships here are need-based, with an average of $40,000 per their website
Class of 2024 music awards (anecdotal):

U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

University of North Texas
Tuition: $8,404 IS / $21,064 OOS
COA: $25,680 / $39,318
Scholarship Offered: $5,000 ($1,000 or over confers in-state tuition)

Has anyone head from Manhattan School of Music, Jazz Dept?

Have anyone received financial aid package from Berklee?

My daughter received the admitted notice on 12/19, along with the scholarship, but still haven’t receive the financial aid package (award package) yet

How do i send PM?

golden mom——

Berklee usually gives acceptance, talent scholarship and financial aid at the same time for EA and RD. If you didn’t received financial aid on 12/19, you should contact them and ask status and appeal process.