Music Program at William and Mary

Hey all! I’m pretty dead set on going to William and Mary and I am planning to double major in business and music. I know they have a great business program, but I am not sure about there music program. Could anyone provide any additional information, specifically about whether or not their music program is high-level or not? Thanks in advance!

Depending on your instrument, there are some top notch instructors. My daughter did not major or minor in music, but spent lots of time in percussion ensembles and with the wind ensemble. The percussion instruction has been going through flux which made it not as rewarding for her as it could have been. The best news is that a brand new Arts Quarter is opening this fall with a new music building, lots of practice space, and beautiful concert halls. My son is starting this fall and will be a business major with a dance minor. He’s very excited about the new dance spaces.

I think I saw something about the new performing arts center. Do you think this will mean that students with strong arts and music backgrounds will have a better chance of getting into W and M for the next few years?

I think the new music building will be a draw for even higher-level faculty. I don’t know that it will mean any easier admissions for students.

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There is an arts supplement that you can send in along with your application which is what my son did for dance. If you meet the academic requirements, a strong arts supplement may take you from applicant to admitted student, but being strong in the arts alone won’t get you an admission if you aren’t there academically.

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William and Mary is definitely on my son’s list who has similar interests to yours. He will try to meet with and have a trial lesson with the faculty for his instrument and definitely send in an arts supplement. The only thing to keep in mind is that is the only school we have found so far that wants an audio only supplement.

I saw that, and honestly I only have a way to record good audio, so it’s nice not to figure out how to get a good video too

When we recorded at home we used a video camera and a zoom bran audio device and then used iMovie to remove the audio from the video and replace it with the high quality audio. You can do the same with an iPhone video. It was very easy and looks and sounds great.

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We used a Zoom H-2 several years ago. Make sure the supplement can include a music resume and letter(s) (1-2) of recommendation related to music.

There is an excellent music major forum here on CC that is not limited to those who plan to major in music.

Music study at W and M is mainly as a liberal art, it looks like, with lessons for a small amount of credit for $453. Lots of extracurricular performance. And a combo of classical and genre diversity which is what a lot of schools are now doing.

Music | William & Mary (

BTW this is the thread for the music majors for HS class of 24. Please join us!


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