Music supplement confirmation

<p>I applied EA and emailed my music supplement on November 1, but never got confirmation that it was received. Were we supposed to receive some kind of confirmation email from the music department?</p>

<p>What does it say on your MyMIT page?</p>

<p>You do not get any conformation for supplemental materials.</p>


<p>If you sent additional information, you would have to e-mail the admissions office to see if they received it - it doesn’t show up on your MyMIT page.</p>

<p>OK…I know that MyMIT does not track supplemental materials but I wasn’t sure whether I was supposed to get some email response from the music department itself.</p>

<p>same question, i sent one in, and i wasn’t sure if we should get notification for the music supplement</p>

<p>I’m also in the same boat. Thanks for helping though.</p>

<p>I am pretty sure that individual departments don’t send e-mails about additional information - if you are concerned, you should e-mail the admissions office to make sure that it was received, as it doesn’t turn up on your MyMIT page.</p>

<p>I didn’t get confirmation either…I emailed mine before Nov. 1, I don’t think they send confirmation, just assume they’ve received it :slight_smile: BTW, what instrument do you play?</p>

<p>Actually, I just called the music and arts dept. yesterday, and they confirmed for me! :]
@prepre: I play the cello.</p>

<p>Yea, I called the admissions office (not a specific department) to confirm receipt of my arts and science supplements and the lady kindly told me that they had everything.</p>

<p>Do you think I should bother now?’s a little late lol</p>

<p>It’s probably a little late now to change anything for some reason that they don’t have it, but definitely call if only to satiate your hunger for some answers; we don’t want any “should haves,” “could haves,” would haves!"</p>

<p>nah, I’ll let it be haha I think they got it cause I had sent them an email earlier that they responded to</p>

<p>I didn’t get any sort of confirmation either. I really hope MIT got it all right… :/</p>