Music Supplement Dilemma

I’m submitting a cello supplement to most of my schools, and I recorded my performance at a competition yesterday.

The problem is, my recording device gave a notice that it was about to die halfway through. Luckily, my teacher was able to set up his iPad to catch second half of the piece. The performance went great, but now I have two recordings from different angles with slightly different lighting that I’ve stitched together. It’s obvious that it’s the same performance: same clothes, piano, and room, but I’m worried that having a pretty abrupt stitch mid-bow might be distracting.

Rerecording would be a) expensive and b) super stressful since November 1st is right around the corner, but should I do it anyway? I do already have a cohesive recording of the same piece, but it’s lower quality and I didn’t play as well.

What is this for? Is it just as a supplemen to show that you are an advanced musician and this is backed up by the rest of your application or is it a prescreen/scholarship application?

I’m not applying as a music major or minor, just trying to demonstrate that I’m pretty serious abt cello and would be a good addition to a university orchestra/cello group. I have a few state music awards in my application but nothing huge.

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If your supplement gets evaluated, it will most likely be reviewed by a cellist in the music department who is not evaluating you camera skills

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In that case it is proabably not worth worrying about. If the sound is good and it is obviously from the same live performance and otherwise unedited I wouldn’t be too concerned about it. People send in home videos recorded on an iphone and professionally recorded videos from studios and everything in between.

probably worth changing the tag to music major since many people in that group also sent supplements to non music schools and may have some advice.

You can post this in the music major forum.

My kid called admissions to ask how much of the video would be listened to and was told to cue the best 3 minutes. A supplement is very different from an audition for, say, a conservatory.

Maybe call the school and see what they would want you to do. You certainly don’t have to rerecord!

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