<p>Give me some soothing yet stylish music to somewhat relieve this college experience. </p>
<p>Currently listening Whip My Hair- Willow Smith, so damn Catchy.</p>
<p>Give me some soothing yet stylish music to somewhat relieve this college experience. </p>
<p>Currently listening Whip My Hair- Willow Smith, so damn Catchy.</p>
<p>In before Pandora Radio.</p>
<p>Music eases the soul. I could suggest a number of bands/artists, but it all depends on your particular taste. You will find something that will soothe you.</p>
<p>MusicJosh’s comment is probably the most pointless post I’ve ever witnessed in my life.</p>
<p>Yes, it does evidently depend on my taste. Yes, I will probably find (within hopefully the next 50 years or so) something that I fancy.</p>
<p>Well Whip my Hair is extremely catchy so I am with you on that one!</p>
<p>I don’t exactly know what your experience right now is, but I’ll try to help. </p>
<p>Music I listen to when I’m sad is usually quieter, like: Most songs by Augustana, Jack’s Mannequin, Matchbox Twenty, Goo Goo Dolls, etc</p>
<p>Music I listen to when I’m ****ed off is usually more intense, like: Eminem, Nirvana, some Blink 182, The Offspring, and a lot of other rap/rock. </p>
<p>Music I listen to when I’m chillin or just want to feel good: Mickey Avalon, Blink 182, Shwayze, Sublime, MGMT, etc</p>
<p>I hope this helps!</p>
<p>If you feel like clubbing people in the head…“Stupid MF” by Mindless Self Indulgence</p>
<p>If you feel like wallowing in a corner…“Black Hole Sun” or “Fell on Black Days” by Soundgarden, “Optimistic” by Worm is Green</p>
<p>If you feel like chilling…“Starstruck” by Santogold, “Starry-Eyed Surprise” by Oakenfold, “Don’t You Evah” or “Anything You Want” by Spoon</p>
<p>If you feel like being crazy…“In too Deep” by Sum41, “Ride” and “Get Free” by the Vines, “Mr. Grieves” by Pixies, “Kids” by MGMT</p>
<p>I’ll be offended if you don’t check out ALL of those… =)</p>
<p>If you want some angry music, listen to Halo or A Farewell To Arms by Machine Head.</p>
<p>Shadow on the Sun by Audioslave is another good wallow-in-a-corner song.</p>
<p>Wow, you get offended easily. You should take a chill pill and chill out.</p>
<p>When i cant sleep sometimes i listen to rain or thunder or wave or forest noises. You need something relaxing and soothing like meditation music. Maybe some harps and flutes. I like american indian tribal music.</p>
<p>One word: Radiohead</p>
<p>Just Like Heaven by The Cure helped me get through my cat’s long illness and death a few years ago.</p>
<p>You heard me.</p>
<p>Oh, and hymns.</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - “There’s Power In The Blood” By Vestal Goodman (1993)](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>
<p>Radiohead is two words</p>
<p>^ After seeing the movie Shortbus I can’t listen to this song without thinking about a massive orgy or sex in general o.O</p>
<p>But “Winters Love” is a very lovely song (I love most of “Sung Tongs” actually, I suggest the song “Kids on Holiday” as well, and since we are on the topic of hellish college experience, the 50-sec song “College” might be worth a listen, hehehe) :)</p>