<p>Ok-in regard to what kind of singing they prefer-good singing is probably the best answer. One professor will ask you to sing everything “in your mix”, another usually makes you sing what you are weaker at, another doesn’t use technical terms like “mix” or “belt” but gives you different images or sensations to think about that affect your placement. I came in a pretty solid soprano/mixer. I still am, but now I can belt and this quarter, all my songs were belting. Your type will definitely play into what is asked of you. If I were you, if you are a female, train your head voice–this will make your mix strong which you will be using for most contemporary stuff.</p>
<p>Dancing is becoming a bigger part of the program/BFA.</p>
<p>The rank is Act-Sing-Dance (or so they will tell you). The emphasis is DEFINITELY on the acting. (Which I like, because I have had a lot of technical training in voice and classical ballet).</p>
<p>There is 1 music class required for the BFA (BAs can also take it). You can take supplemental theory classes through the music department, though I don’t think that is necessary. If you have spare time now, I would pick up piano. It is a great life-skill for MT performers (learning sheet music, playing your stuff, or even offering voice lessons in the future and being your own accompanist).</p>
<p>Check out the UC requirements for GEs, they are all the same regardless of your major. This is a UC so we have more academics than say a ‘conservatory’ school. If you don’t like taking at least 1 year of a math-type class, or you didn’t take APs, this might not be the school for you. I like academics, so not a problem for me.</p>
<p>Is it hard to get classes–yes and no. It has never been for me, it is for some. I would say it it isn’t easy, but you need to be smart. Ask a teacher to save a spot in their studio class for you if you have a late enrollment and need to get into a certain GE. You only can register for 18 units at once. I have never had a hard time with it. I know some people do, but I honestly feel like those are the people who don’t know how to hustle or who don’t plan out their schedule with A B and C options in case one class is full etc.</p>
<p>I have a car because I do theatre professionally outside of school. You don’t need a car. Having one is helpful. I would say you definitely don’t need one freshman year. It depends if you want to work outside of school. I think the transportation is great. Bring a bike! That helps a lot. Also, there is a shopping center across the street from school and if you have to work, a lot of people work there or across campus. </p>
<p>Four out of 7 might seem like a lot (over half technically), but it totally depends on the year, who auditions, who transfers etc.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have other questions. This will be my first quarter in the BFA, I will let you know how it goes.</p>