Musical Theatre Majors - College Admission 2024

Does anyone know how competitive Coastal Carolina is?

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Baldwin Wallace audition completed on 11/11
Point Park - Audition Scheduled in December
Penn State - Audition Scheduled in December
NYU - Audition Scheduled in January


Prescreens haven’t been going great honestly, but I think it’s good to share the good and the bad. I’m still waiting on a lot more but these are my results right now. All MT unless otherwise listed.

Rider: No (switched to BFA Acting)
Fredonia: Yes
UNC Greensboro: No
Emerson: No
University of Miami (songwriting): Yes


i still haven’t heard back from rider. they seem to be taking their sweet time!

i got a no from western connecticut yesterday, submitted on nov. 1st

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Strange. When did you submit? I submitted in September and got my no less than a week later

Seems like it’s all so unpredictable. My daughter submitted prescreens to 15 schools two days ago and another 4 yesterday. She got an email that she passed Ithaca within an hour but hasn’t heard from anyone else.

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just got my rider email, another no :upside_down_face: hang in there everyone - we can get through this together!!


When did you submit pre screen to Ithaca and when did you hear back?

Does anyone know if accompanist in Chicago are good or not? I saw past thread where people were complaining about accompanist there were hired locally not knowing some of the basic songs in MT.

Submitted on 11/13 and heard back same day. Just heard from Temple submitted 11/13, no on 11/19

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Hi all, anyone send Carnegie Mellon the standard Option A prescreen and get an aud? They ask for opt A but then say they want 3/4 on submissions which is not what Opt A is…TIA!

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Has anyone heard from Nazareth in re prescreens?

no, submitted on oct 29th

As an applicant from the class of 27 last year, it completely depends! There is not one universal accompanist at unifieds, each school has their own–and some will actually ask students to bring a backing track. However, it is also up to the auditionee to be able to continue even if the pianist messes up, and they will notice unfavorably if an auditionee makes it clear that they blame the pianist for any issues.

We are total newbies and I (parent) came to this from my other 2 kids being non-arts applicants. Feel I have not prepped him well and we are too last minute with things. Most prescreens up (waiting for one more video and will have the ones due today in), Just realized his darn monologues are abut 2 minutes with slate. He has activities until 8pm and feels like it will break him to re-record. Any advice from other parents struggling to figure all this out?

Sorry to hear that. Dont feel like you’re letting him down. You didnt know. And if you already sent some in, then so be it, just hope for the best. But now that you do know, I would recommend that you fix what you can. If you upload something longer than the allotted time, either the system will not accept it (like essays with word counts), or they will just stop watching at the cut off mark (and possibly judge him that he didn’t follow directions). Dont leave it up to chance, and you stay in control of how you want the video to end. Just my 2 cents. I’m new to this too, so I could be wrong, but have always been a stickler for following the rules. Best of luck to him with everything!


I appreciate it. We have until 11:59…Ugh. But working on retape and hoping he is not going to melt down from stress :slight_smile:

I’m in agreement on this. As for how to shorten it - I think the results are better from removing some parts of it as opposed to rushing the delivery (your son can also do some combination of the two as needed)

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My D submitted Ithaca on 11/26 and passed on 11/28. Still waiting to hear on many more submitted the same day.

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