My 2022-2023 Application Cycle Results

2022-2023 application cycle RESULTS

Here are my stats:

Demographics: Male, White, Florida, and first generation

Intended Major(s): Aerospace Engineering

ACT/SAT/SAT II: Sat is a 1370(1390 super score)

UW/W GPA and Rank: 4.0/4.35/(1/20)

Coursework: 4 Ap’s: Apush, Ap Physics 1, Ap Calc AB, Ap Computer Science A: (School only offers the first 3, I had to self-study computer science). Dual enrolled for ENC1101 and ENC1141

Awards: Principal’s list 3 years in row, Senior leader(more detail in extracurriculars)


Leadership Program

  • Unique to my school, basically a leadership program that is embedded into the curriculum, with several different leadership events designed to train and test you team work capabilities, how to lead under pressure, and how to use these leadership skills in everyday life. Those who prove themselves of being a great leader by being nominated, and completing 3 different phases of training are named “Senior Leader”, which aid in mentoring the underclassmen and teaching them leadership skills (I am a Senior Leader)

Team Captain of Swim & Track and Field

  • I work along side the coaches to help mentor mainly the underclassmen, as well as organize my team mates during meets (making sure everyone is doing okay, hydrated, know where and when their next race is etc.).

Certified Trainer at Chick-Fil-A (2 years) - Train around 2 new hires every week, as well as mentor and instruct my team on new/updated guidelines. I also am in charge of the store if the manager is not present (called in sick, delivering an order etc.) I also come up with ways with the directors on how to improve the store.

Bible Study

  • I lead a Bible study for middle school students once a week

Director of the spotlights for both my school’s productions: Peter Pan and Snow White

Essays/LORs/Other: essays are solid


Penn State University Park - Accepted

Virginia Tech - Accepted

Aubrun - Accepted w/ Scholarship

University of Florida - Accepted & Attending w/ Full Ride

International Schools:

University of Bristol - Accepted

University of Leeds - Accepted

University of Nottingham - Accepted

University of Edinburgh - Rejected

King’s College London - Waitlisted


Nice job and thanks for sharing!

1 Like

Great outcome! Congrats and best wishes!


Congratulations! Thanks for sharing. We are interested in Auburn. Would you be willing to share the amount of scholarship they offered? Curious to see how generous they are.

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