<p>I'm an international student who graduated from high school this Jan and my A Levels (British system) are ending soon. The last 3-4 mths have been hectic (school and clubs, SATs, try-outs and prepping international debating tourney, uni apps/ national uni entrance exams, big family probs among other things) and my grades have slipped. I've 6 subs and could end up with 2-3 B's overall, but have previously been an A-A+ student. While I'm not blaming anybody but myself for my predicament, I'm worried that my acceptance might be revoked. </p>
<p>Could someone kindly fill me in on how worried I should be? I don't think Yale has much reason to be sympathetic if I tried to explain my slipped grades -- I mean, they reject thousands of superhuman students with super-tight schedules who are overcoming thousands of problems. Any insight how Yale looks at A Level grades would be helpful. </p>
<p>Thank-you for your time :)</p>
<p>If you have already been accepted EA you will NOT have your acceptance rescinded for several Bs, I doubt a C or two would even do you in.</p>
<p>Thank-you for your answer bluecoast. Nevertheless, I’m still very worried, especially about chemistry. I’ll have around 4-5 months off after my A Levels end. Is there any way I can compensate for a poor chemistry grade? E.g. is there any way to take AP exams or basic university level chemistry courses online? I just want to show Yale that I really do care about my education and can make up for bad grades. I’ve never slipped up like this before, and I really want a chance to compensate somehow
<p>I understand, it can be stressful and if you really wanted to take extra classes you could. If you wanted you could also call admissions and discuss your academics though I’m sure you’re fine. In the end though it seems to me that you’re in no trouble, no one is perfect with their grades or otherwise. I have known people to get into Yale with Bs and none have ever had their admission rescinded. Relax, you’re obviously smart as you got into Yale, cut yourself some slack.</p>
<p>Okay, and thanks
I wouldn’t worry this much if I had a chance to retake the chem exam in May (just came back from my exam and it didn’t go that well :(), but that won’t be possible since my exam board syllabus is changing and this was the last sitting for my syllabus. :S</p>
<p>Is it ok to discuss things with my admissions officer right now, or would that be a stupid move? My sister and mum are against it, whereas my dad thinks I should go ahead. Some more opinions would be deeply appreciated
School ended around a month ago, and my teachers weren’t alarmed about my mock exams because sometimes students do poorly on mocks (and in the last semester of high school they don’t count towards grades or rank or anything). My counsellor and teachers don’t really know about how tight these last 4 months have been for me; I was the only person from my class applying abroad (which was a big pressure, but they don’t really know much about that). I don’t know how much they’ll be able to support my case if Yale wants to look into the matter. I’m saying this because I might get C’s on a few papers of my A Levels (but the overall grade would be a B or an A – but that’d be a miracle :p).</p>
<p>Also, can someone please tell me if any universities/organizations offer exams or credit courses for A Level/AP level chemistry online?</p>
<p>I just found out that you can’t take the AP chemistry exam in my country/online. :(</p>
<p>I know, i’m also doing alevels but was accepted at upenn… and because of the amount of work ive had to do for my applying to america im a little worried about alevels :S</p>