My anxiety is affecting my test-taking in my classes

Hello everyone,

I have really bad anxiety flare-ups when testing time comes. No matter how adequately or inadequately I study for said test, whether I understand the concepts or not, I end up doing poorly and I feel terrible about it. I am a perfectionist and I always try my hardest to do well but it hasn’t shown up in a couple of tests for two of my classes. I’m just worried that my grades in one of my classes will slip tremendously and I won’t be able to recover. What should I do to stop this?

Are you client of the student ability center? That’s what I would do first to get help from them.

You may need your paperwork from your physician, but they have a lot of students that are using their services at all of the colleges, so you need to do and seek out that help first.

I’m not clear if you are in high school or college. Either way, go to your counseling center. Make an appointment to talk to someone. Keep the appointment. And discuss this with your doctor, who might also recommend a therapist and/or medication.

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Do you think that extra time on tests might help with the anxiety?

Often if you qualify for extra time, you can also get accommodations for a quiet testing area. Usually, you make an appointment with the Office of Disabilities/Testing Center to set up a time to take the test.

Set up an appointment with the Office of DIsabilites (or whatever the name of it is at your school) and see what they can do. If you already have documentation they should be able to work with you. If not, they can advise you of what you need.