My application is late?

<p>ok, so comm app has its own time??! i mean,i applied to harvey mudd(california),i set my comp time to california's time, its like 10:33 PM right now, and when i submited my supplement to h mudd at 10:08PM, comm app said its 1/3 , 01:08 AM.. omg....
is my app late?? i thought the apps are due at 11:59 PM california time..

<p>and i tried to turn it in last night, but i found a there's this extra essay i have to i did it today....that's why its last minute....</p>

<p>what do i do..?</p>

<p>Common App is set to Eastern Standard Time aka East coast time, so it’s 3 hours earlier than California time.</p>

<p>If your app was due 11:59 PST time, and you sent it by then, then you’re fine.</p>

<p>Schools not located in the eastern time zone may choose to extend their application deadlines to the end of a deadline day in their local time zone, or may accept your documents up until the posted deadline in their local time zone (even though your submission time stamp will be recorded in Eastern Time.) For example, a school located in California may accept your application until 2:59am Eastern Time, which is equivalent to 11:59pm Pacific Time. Since this is on a school-by-school basis and this is not information that may not be available to you, we recommend you submit based on the Eastern Time deadline. Most colleges will accept the submission if it is within a reasonable time period around their deadline. </p>


<p>hehhe,yea i just realized it !! yay!! =D</p>

<p>Wow, it’s almost creepy how much you just described my exact situation! o.0</p>

<p>Right down to finding out there was another essay and starting it at the last moment… very, very interesting, to say the least. Good to know I’m not the only one in this situation. =P</p>

<p>I saw that KBase article too, but, for extra assurance, I still plan on contacting the HMC admissions office via email tomorrow (I would do it now, but I’m exhausted… and I still have more applications to complete… D: ), and call them on Monday. I’ll post an update as soon as I hear back from Mudd.</p>

<p>Haha… verbatim my situation… Harvey mudd and everything!</p>

<p>If allowed you to submit it, instead of bouncing you with a message that says the deadline has passed, you made it on time and your application will be considered.</p>

<p>Aside, geek_son is in Mudd’13… I hope we’ll see all of you at the admitted students’ weekend in April! :D</p>

<p>just had the same thing happen to me this year they received my app the 16th. Good thing I knew about the time zone issue so didn’t go into a state of panic.</p>