My application status online says its unavailable?

<p>I checked to see my application status for New Paltz (my first choice) & it said this:
The status of your application is unavailable at this time.</p>

<p>Does this mean I was rejected?
Help is much appreciated.</p>


<p>Can anyone help?</p>

<p>I applied for Regular Admission btw </p>

<p>thanks guys (:</p>

<p>Just like it says, the status of your application is unavailable “at this time.” Meaning that it will be available later.</p>

<p>okay. thanks.
I’m just your typical worried senior lol</p>

<p>You could always call and see if you can get more information. Sometimes the system is down.</p>

<p>you should relax. CA is receiving literally millions of apps this part of new year and this might result in a few delays. check back in a day or two :D</p>