My awkward ACT score

<p>Okay, my ACT composite is pretty good in itself (I got a 33); however, I am wondering if colleges are going to look down upon my score bc of one part. I got a 35 english, 34 math, 35 science, and a freaking 29 reading! Are colleges going to see a problem with that much lower reading score? I am just really worried. Thanks.</p>

<p>Don’t be worried, just retake it. A 33 is excellent, but if you could boost your reading…</p>

<p>So, if I retook it, do you think my score would go up or down?</p>

<p>How much prep did you do before taking it?
Ik how you feel I got my lowest in Reading. I actually came in late lol!
I really think it depends on where you want to go. If the score doesn’t need to be improved to get in, then don’t retake.</p>

<p>I took a Kaplan ACT course, which really helped my other scores. On my very first ACT, I got a 33 in the reading, and it has dropped 4 points. I really want to go to Vandy, and they superscore. So, to them, I have a 34.</p>

<p>A 34 for Vandy is fine (that’s what I had this year and got in RD)- especially since they superscore, they’ll look at your 33 and not even notice the 29.</p>

<p>Thanks, that makes me feel better karabee</p>