<p>Well, I have been on the college search for about a week straight now. Just recently I have decided that I am going to college for a theater major. It's not that I haven't wanted to FOREVER, but I have just now gotten my parents...not consent, but kind of...blessing....to go forth with my dream :] So now, the mad dash is on, because I want to have everything figured out before the school year (a.k.a. my senior year) gets really going - because I am so busy!</p>
<p>So, I just need some advice - my brain is starting to melt!!!! :] I have 3 sections - BFA, BA, and my Safety</p>
<p>B.F.A.: Carnegie Mellon, DePaul, U of M, Ithaca, Evansville, U of I Urbana, Emerson, UNC-School of the Arts, Chapman, USC, Julliard, SUNY Purchase, and Otterbein</p>
<p>B.A.: Carnegie Mellon, UC-Davis, Ithaca, Yale, Boston College, Wesleyan, Emerson, Syracuse, Chapman, UCLA, USC, Otterbein</p>
<p>My only safety as of now: U of M - B.A.</p>
<p>I would really like a program that allows students to audition for other things outside of the school! </p>
<p>I just want some guidance on what your opinions of these schools are, I have been getting so much information....which ones are the best? etc.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your time! :]</p>