My Brown Essays- Horrible?

<p>So I wasn’t planning on applying to Brown this year until I talked to family over winter holiday and they convinced me to apply. I did my essays last minute, and, looking back, I feel like they are sub-par. Would anyone care to read and give me an honest opinion?</p>


<p>Sure, even though my comments could make you more nervous… but, hopefully all is well! send me a pm, i was accepted ED to Brown in December</p>

<p>You can’t change your essay now, so why risk getting negative feedback? Your fate is what it is now.</p>

<p>PM me if you want, though I sort of agree with pFNMCp. I am bored and willing to read essays, however lol</p>

<p>same here, pm if you want</p>

<p>There’s no use worrying now. I’ve stopped looking at my apps just to make myself less panicked.</p>

<p>I’ll gladly read it!</p>

<p>I’ll read them… I hope I don’t make you more anxious, though!</p>

<p>Lemme read em - i’ll let you know … I’m brutally honest lol which sounds like what you are looking for</p>

<p>PM em to me. I would be honored to read them</p>

<p>I will be happy to read it too</p>

<p>I’ll read them too</p>

<p>Sure I’ll read them…I’m an editor of my school newspaper so many people ask me to look at their essays.</p>

<p>Oh, sorry I haven’t messaged back from a while ago… I’m too lazy to PM you, so:
1 - The ‘Three’ theme wasn’t propagated well enough through the essay, I don’t think.
2 - Interesting, I liked it.
3 - Not bad.</p>

<p>I’d like to read them if you are still offering. Best of luck, wherever you end up!</p>

<p>Sure, I’ll give them a read if you still want. I just sent in my transfer apps so I know how you’re feeling.</p>

<p>I will be happy to read it. [=</p>