My CC doesnt have certain

<p>Well my CC doesnt have certain Units such as physics so well it doesnt give any courses in it as reqd by UCLA transfer what do i have to do? will i not get a trnsfer if keep on goin to my CC</p>

<p>From what I understand, they can’t really look down on you for not having a prereq that your school doesn’t offer. However, a crucial physics course for a science/engineering major that most other schools have will probably hurt you.</p>

<p>I would be surprised that your cc doesn’t offer the physics required for a UCLA transfer… most likely there are equivalent physics courses that your cc offers that just have a different name than the ones for UCLA. [Welcome</a> to ASSIST](<a href=“”> lets you know what those ‘equivalencies’ are</p>

<p>actually with all the changes in admission this year , i wouldnt be surprised if they place all the applicants who are missing pre-reqs at the very bottom of the pile of cc applicants.
especially for impacted majors!</p>

<p>if you have the chance try to take the course at another cc during winter!</p>

<p>well i am applying for los angels mission college…damned!!</p>

<p>What’s your major?</p>

<p>electrical engg… though i have to meet my counselor again to ask this q …</p>

<p>Which physics classes does your CC not offer? Mechanics? Electricity & Magnetism? Thermodynamics? These are all really crucial classes to any engineering major, so it would put you at a significant disadvantage if you don’t have them.</p>

<p>w8 lemme check they are</p>

<p>physics 1a
physics 4AL
physics 1B
physics 4BL
physics 1C</p>

<p>and there is no course for c++ programming</p>

<p>PHYSICS 1A & Physics for Scientists (5)|No course articulated
and |<br>
Engineers:Mechanics |<br>
PHYSICS 4AL Physics Laboratory for (2)|No course articulated
Scientists and |<br>
Engineers:Mechanics |<br>
AND | AND<br>
PHYSICS 1B & Physics for Scientists (5)|No course articulated
and |<br>
Engineers:Oscillations |<br>
, Waves, Electric and |<br>
Magnetic Fields |<br>
PHYSICS 4BL & Physics Laboratory for (2)|No course articulated
Scientists and |<br>
Engineers:Electricity |<br>
and Magnetism |<br>
PHYSICS 1C Physics for Scientists (5)|No course articulated
and |<br>
Engineers:Electrodynam |<br>
ics, Optics, and |<br>
Special Relativity </p>

<p>Yeah, those are the courses I talked about. Better find a college that does offer these physics courses (look for schools outside the Los Angeles Community College District).</p>

<p>omg i am gettin scared man… my hearts beating fast now damned</p>