My chance

<p>I was wondering if you think I have a chance at Madison with these stats.. </p>

<p>3.63 cumulative GPA </p>

<p>I still have senior year left and I am planning on getting 4.0 both semester and I think this can raise it to 3.7 because at the beginning of junior year i had a 3.5 and i brought it up to a 3.63 now.</p>

<p>28 on the ACT</p>

<p>Their score range is 26-30 so this is good. Crappy writing score with a 6 though. I got an 8 the first time on the essay when i took the act but only 23 composite idk if writing is superscored.</p>

<p>So far 3 years of cross country, swimming, and track. Planning to do them again senior year so i have 4 years for everything. </p>

<p>I have not won any awards in high school ever.. or been a leader. I am hoping to become captain of the cross country team this year and i can get an award for that. I also will get the 12 sport athlete award after I finish those sports this year. </p>

<p>(I should have won an award for Student of the Year the beginning of this year considering I had a 3.9 and was doing sports and I am a nice person but I guess they chose a dude with a 3.5 gpa at the time but whatever i'm not going into that. hoping to win that award this year.)</p>

<p>Im in a couple of clubs.</p>

<p>I've volunteered over 136 hours at hospitals and nursing homes around my area.</p>

<p>Lately I've been volunteering at a place to help disabled people ride horses and I've got 5 hours in so far it will be much more by the time summer is over.</p>

<p>My class rank is also 11.21% right now. I know that most people that get in are in the top 10%. Geez im so close! I'm hoping to be in the top 10 by the time senior year is done. Also, if i was like 10.74% am i considered top 10% or am I top 25%? Or let's say my rank doesn't change at all and i stay at 11.21% would Madison look at that and say that's pretty close to top 10%.</p>

<p>I live in state.</p>

<p>You don’t have to provide UW with your class rank. Top 11.47% is still good. Concentrate on writing your required application essays. Make sure to have them proofread.</p>

<p>Usually isn’t up to the HS to report class rank on the transcript? If they rank at all.</p>

<p>The score range you report is for the middle 50%- don’t forget the 50% who fall above or below that range. Some of them will have much better grades than you do. Do not try to play a game with numbers, hoping/presuming you will get in if you meet certain criteria. Do your best senior year to prove to yourself you can do it and to have good study habits for college. Also concentrate on your essays- show why they should pick you over dozens/hundreds of students with equally good credentials.</p>

<p>thank you good advice wis75…</p>

<p>If you read posts from the last 6-7 months regarding admission decisions you’ll get a good idea of who was admitted, and who wasn’t.</p>

<p>My suggestion is self-evaluate and decide your weakest area and see what you can do about it. If the ACT writing score is a concern, can you find someone (paid or one of your teachers) to do some “tutoring” on writing and retake the ACT? Do you want to register for an early fall ACT test, and spend time in July & August preparing/practicing? If you do what you suggest you’ll do in terms of 7th semester grades, your GPA will improve.</p>

<p>Do not worry about about EC’s or volunteer hours. (I’m not suggesting you stop.) You, like most applicants have plenty of EC’s, volunteer hours, athletic participation, etc. IMHO those aren’t differentiators, they’ve become required points that everybody has. I believe UW Admissions wants to see a well rounded, involved student. They don’t care whether you did XC or track or baseball or Chess Club for 3 years vs. 4 years…they want to see that you did more than tolerate HS.</p>

<p>Good luck. Other points like getting top recommendations, really working the essays, etc. have already been pointed out to you.</p>