My chances at admission to either University of Pittsburgh's or Penn State's School of Nursing?

<p>I am currently a senior in high school, not a resident of Pennsylvania. My unweighted GPA is 3.958 and my weighted is 5.0417. My SAT is 2030 and ACT is 31. My class rank is 3 out of 421.</p>

<p>I was just wondering what my chances might be for admission into Pitt or Penn State's Nursing programs.</p>

<p>Any opinions from students who have already been accepted into either of these programs would be greatly appreciated!!!</p>

<p>(And if you have been accepted into either of these programs, would you mind telling me what your GPA and standardized test scores were?) THANKS!</p>

<p>OOS for PSU and Pitt with your stats? You have a very good chance. If you think you’ll like Pitt (urban campus) you should also consider the University Of Pennsylvania. Great nursing program. </p>

<p>My daughter was accepted to Penn State U Park nursing in 2013 with lower act, sat, and class rank than yours. She didn’t apply to U. Pitt, but I’m sure you would be very competitive.</p>

<p>Penn State loses many students because private colleges often offer a net lower price, after merit or need based aid. Like many nursing programs, Pitt and Penn State charge more for nursing in the last 2 years. Some people also don’t like to have to spend a year away from U. Park. However, Milton Hershey Medical Center is a great place to learn. </p>

<p>As of last year, Penn State said in writing that they do not give any admissions preference to in-state vs. out of state students. That is why U. Park is 1/3 out of state students. </p>

<p>I don’t know anything about U. Penn’s nursing admissions, but in general U. Penn is a reach for anyone. As of a couple years ago, they filled a huge percentage of their overall freshman classes with binding early decision.</p>

<p>I think you are a very likely admit. My daughter was just accepted in nursing with an act of 30. Our school does not rank. Her weight gpa is around 4.1 which is probably around top 10 percent. She’s very excited </p>

<p>Meant to say at Pitt </p>

<p>Penn has an excellent program, but the pool is somewhat self-selected. They have to want to be nurses. Applicants trying to use nursing as a back door for transfer into business, engineering, or arts/sciences get weeded out.</p>