My Chances At Nyu!

<p>I live in VA. & I'm currently a junior. What are my chances at NYU?</p>

<p>GPA - 3.6 weighted</p>

<p>Rank - somewhere in the top 25%</p>

<p>SAT I - 600 V / 600 M / 680 W = 1870 total
(first time taking it, but it'll definitely be well above 2000 before i apply)</p>

<p>SAT II - Math IC: 600, Spanish: 660 -- should I retake these?</p>

<p>I'm taking the hardest courseload available and will graduate with the completion of 8 AP's and the only Honors course available.</p>

<p>EC -</p>

<p>JV Soccer (9)
Fall Theatre Production Costume Designer (9)
Indoor Soccer League (10)
School of the Arts (9)
Model UN (10)
Rams & Lambs [(tutoring) 10-11)] << officer next year.
Key Club (11)
New Horizon's Governor's School (11)
Peer Partners (11-12)
NHGS Student Advisory Board (11)
clarinet for 6 years.</p>

<p>I have work experience, 50+ community service hours, and I'll graduate with the honor's program seal for the school division.</p>

<p>Tentative schedule for next year:
1. AP US Govt
2. AP Calc AB
3. AP Calc BC
4. AP Lit 12
5. AP Microeconomics
6. Physics
7. Business Law
8. Journalism</p>

<p>whatsup...i'm pretty similar to you, i will be a senior next year and also live in VA.</p>

<p>Just wondering...CalcAB and BC same year? why...that makes no sense lol...because they're both the same material, except BC is a bit faster and more material.</p>

<p>waitt you mean you dont have a 2400?!?!
and uh...3.6. NYU students have 4.0. duh. I'd say your chances are pretty slim...</p>

<p>or actually, i just have no way of knowing</p>

<p>??? was there a point to that?</p>

<p>Try to get your SAT's up more. Btw dont take AB and BC at the same time, even if it is possible. they overlap, alot.</p>

<p>AB is the first half of BC. I'm not sure why you'd take thme both. If you have an aptitude for math I'd suggest BC, though AB is certainly difficult, just at a slower pace.</p>

<p>you're chances are decent, but NYU is getting more competitive. I'd say GPA is average for applicants, and you should retake the SAT IIs. Hope that helps</p>

<p>sorry for being an a$$ above but seriously, we have no way of knowing. it's all about what you actually write in your application, and theres possibly things we dont know about you that could get you in, or could break it for you.</p>

<p>micheeatsfish, I understand that. But do you write that on EVERYONE'S chances thread?</p>

<p>And thanks to all the other replies.</p>

<p>Your gpa is kindda low, but I know people who got in with lower averages. Try to up your sats more, especailly the 2s. You kind of remind me of myself lol, meaning cramming so many clubs and stuff into 11th grade.</p>

<p>I had nearly identical stats except i had an unweighted 3.67 GPA in high school. I was rejected from NYU (initially). I had to transfer in from UC Irvine. Honestly, you need to raise your GPA and slightly bring up your SAT. If you cant do that, find something that will show hardship and then write about it - oh, and email professors - any connections you can make can only help you.</p>

<p>haha, fortunately, no.</p>

<p>i have a 740 on the math IIc subject test and will take 2 other satIIs in many are required for nyu and what should the scores range in?</p>

<p>Btw sunshine, how'd you do in Precalc? If you did well, you might want to consider taking the IIc instead because there's a giant curve on the IIc vs. the Ic. It's not that hard either...i was being a slow ass during my IIc and left like 8 blank and still got a 740....if i took it again i'd definitely get an 800 (IIc with its curve i'd say is a test that if u practice enough, u can guarantee 750+)</p>

<p>None are required. Some are suggested.</p>

<p>I didn't take any. But then again they don't really have an SAT II for my field of study...I'd say if you plan on majoring in the sciences or within anything that has to with math, history, or english, to take the SAT II, just to show them your capabilities w/in that particular subject. For example, a bio major should take bio SAT II's since your skills for science can't be reflected in a normal SAT. But no, they are not mandatory, though I think most applicants take at least one.</p>

<p>No, NYU requires that the the applicants for the class of 2011 take two SAT II's.</p>

<p>PLEASE NOTE. The requirement for SAT II changed this year. Two are REQUIRED, except for special programs. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>its scary.. i almost had exactly the same scores as u..and didnt get into nyu..but who knows..if u raise ur SATs..and find a good hook..u prob have a shot..</p>

<p>it also depends on which school at NYU u apply to (stern, cas, etc.)</p>

<p>Well, thank god I graduated just in time.</p>

<p>I didn't know about the new requirements (sorry).</p>

<p>First off dont' listen to what anyone says on this site unless u believe they a) have experience with the school in question or b) know many people who went to the school in question. Any other people making suggestions and answering questions on this site know nothing and make comments based off of rumors and previous opinions. If u want some real information on chances talk to somebody with experience. Or visit NYU's website for average class info. Then judge for yourself your "chances". And please whatever u do, don't make any important life changing decisions over information received from the idiots on this site. As for ur chances, I have no idea, i didn't go to NYU. Ur welcome</p>