My Chances at The University of Wisconsin, Madison!!!!

Hey guys, any help would be awesome on some insight as to my chances at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. I am currently a Junior at a relatively big high school in Minnesota. I have a 3.7 even, unweighted GPA right now, that is not changing through the next two trimesters I am fairly confident of. I take all AP and honors except math. I took the ACT for the first time in December and got a 23. I know that is a really bad score for chances at UW but i am fairly certain next time I take it I will get around a 27 as I didn’t finish all the questions on any one of the sections the first time through and have studied since. I play hockey and soccer for sports, sing in concert choir and perform in some of the plays throughout the school, I am a member of site council, along with student council. I have volunteer hours and started a pretty succesful charity, which dispenses money for various causes. My parents also both graduated from Madison. If I get my ACT up to at least a 26 what do you think my chances are?


I’d aim for 28-30 on the ACT to have a better chance. 26 I’m not sure will cut it.

Okay thank you, I’m currently taking a prep class that is very helpful. Hoping for a 29!