MY Chances at Trinity College?

<p>HEy guys...I m from NEpal and I m applying to Trinity college under ED2..I would like you all to have a look at my STATs and comment on my chances at TrinityColl.</p>

<p>MY STATs:
Grades: 4A 1 B
Course rigor: MOst demanding
SAT I: 660 CR, 740 MAth, 690 Writing....CR/ MATH should increase in my DEC test
SAT II: 800 Phy, 800 MAth II, 790 CHem
Rank: top 5%, transcript shows increasing trend throughout
Personal essay: even honest critics including one of my GP teacher said it was good
ECA: Vice President of a club, lot of club activites, overall my CV looked impressive enough with lots of voluntary work and few co-curricular involvement, also job exp at a reputed A level college, few good internships
Recommendations: solid, a terrific supplementary recco from co-guidance counselor/house master focusing manily on my personal qualities, dedication and involvment in community
Willing to pay: $2000-5000
Result till date: Kenyon, deferred...and it did come as a shock</p>

<p>u are not supposed to know what your recommendations say… admissions frowns on that… in any case, your stats look impressive but college here is all about the right match. Look at what Trinity has to offer and see if it is a good match for you or not. You will end up coming here if both you and Trinity think that you will make a difference here and/or do positive things.</p>

<h1>4: yeah I liked your username…you kinda challenged me in the driver/khalasi style!!</h1>

<p>irrationale: thanks for your reply…by solid recco, I meant to say that I have full confidence on my GC and recco teachers…its nuthin like I get to see what they have written…and co-guidance counselor told me that he worte focusing on my personal qualities rather than just academics since other teachers would also write on the same thing.</p>

<p>I assume you go to school in the US. Good chance at Trin.</p>