My chances at Virginia Tech School of Engineering?


I’m a senior in high school, and want to major in engineering at Virginia Tech. Below are my specs:
31 ACT
3.78 GPA weighted (don’t know my unweighted)
Have all A’s in my senior year

EC’s and other awards/recognition:
Done several summer camps, such as one with NASA
Recipient of the Letter of Commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Program for outstanding performance on the PSAT
Have been awarded two varsity letters
Volunteered close to 120 hours
Chosen by one or more teachers in my school to be a mentor to freshmen due to my exemplary character (their words, not mine)

So, looking at the above, what would you say about my chances at VTech Enginering?

I’m also an in-state student from NOVA, if that helps.

What’s your math ACT and what math are you taking now

@JustGraduate I am retaking AP Calculus AB. My math ACT is 28.