My Chances: (Engineering: MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, etc.)

<p>Alright, here's all my stats, tell me what chances (maybe percents) for all schools:</p>

SAT: 1410 (780M, 630V)
SAT IIs: 800 Math IIC, 690 Physics, 670 Writing
Retaking Physics/Writing in Dec.</p>

GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.611 weighted (straight A's)
10 APs taken: Freshmen: 1, Sophomore: 2, Junior: 4, Senior: 3
Class Rank: 1/343</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:</p>

<p>Vice President of French Honors Society: active in fundraisers, tutoring other French students, volunteering at the elementary school, spreading awareness of the French culture</p>

<p>Historian of National History Club: participated in National Teach-In by creating an exhibit on Japanese-American internment, also involved in filming/reproducing historical reenactments and creating a scrapbook</p>

<p>Volunteer with Adopt-a-Dane Rescue Organization: heavily involved, all 4 years, help with adoptions, creation of shelters, foster care, dog pick-ups, etc.</p>

<p>Desert Broom Removal Project: volunteer in my community to control the growth of a weed, desert broom (fills up people's pools with it)</p>

Principal's Honor Roll (all semesters)
AP Scholar with Distinction
Medallion of Merit award: given based on academic success and extracurricular achievements
Recognition as a coauthor of a Drug-Free pamphlet in huge city area
Few other minor ones</p>


<p>Summer Internship at University: worked with nanostructured thin films and nanowires (deals with my selected major: materials science and engineering). I was first high school student to work in this school's engineering labs and am helping to have this program created for other high schools students (with the Dean of Research). It will be emphasized in my rec by my math teacher and the dean himself.</p>

Univ of Michigan
Safeties already accepted into</p>

<p>I'd say

<p>MIT - possible match
Stanford - match
Northwestern - safety
UC Berkeley - match
UC LA - safety
USC - safety
Univ of Michigan - match</p>

<p>Really...that optimistic? I was thinking I was going to have a harder time than that.</p>

<p>Your low verbal will hurt you at the top schools...I assume you're from Cali, so Berkeley should be a match. Northwestern is NEVER a safety. UCLA is a match. USC is a safety. UMich (out-of-state) is a match/safety if you apply early. MIT and Stanford are reaches.</p>

<p>Yer soooo screwed! There's this very nice school called University of Phoenix Online that I think wouldn't be TOOO much of a reach for you. And there's always the Army. Someone needs to be Afghani cannon fodder.</p>

<p>i think he has a good shot. I hope to c u at MIT</p>