My chances for Brown ED (ik they are slim) [3.77, TO]

Brown ED

Okay, I am very aware that I have extreeemly low stats for an ivy. i decided to ed to brown (because i love it so much.) I know my stats are low, but i would love to hear the chance ppl think i have!

un weighted gpa 3.77/weighted gpa 3.9

By the end of highschool I will have taken 7 ap classes and one honors. (aps are not offered freshman year) Ap World History Sophomore, Ap Lang and Ap US history junior, Ap Psychology, Ap Gov, Ap macro econ, and AP Lit senior. My grades have had an upwards trend (fresh/sophomore average around3.6) and then (junior/senior average around 3.9) I have one withdrawal due to a math disability I have.


  • I hosted my schools tv channel

  • I tutor migrant children english and math

  • I am the “projects manager” in my schools Key Club (meaning i come up with our volenteering activities, although i just began this year)

  • I have been in the feminism club for a few years
    (this is a weak one, i know).

  • I have hosted and won film festivals for my district

  • I am a paid teachers assistant at a sunday school

  • I attended a prestigious film program (and got a governers medallion for graduating it)

  • I volunteered in an animal shelter camp for young children

  • I am an active member in a jewish teen youth group

  • I did hours of acting classes for a year at an audition only acting school and a play at the same acting school

  • I was a councelor at a jewish summer camp

  • I am also in my first year in my schools film conservatory

(note) I am applying test optional and my highschool is EXTREMELY hard and hopefully well known just how hard it is.

I also don’t know where in my application to even put this (is there a question for why grades might me low?) but i was misdosed a medication my sophmore and freshman year which gave me narcolepsy (untill i went off in junior year) so i was asleep like 60% of the day (not including night) which is why i don’t have closer to a 4.0 and better ecs.

I keep seeing ppl whose ECs are like “led every club ever and solved world hunger” and i know mine are very meh.

Please let me know my chances!

Why do you feel the feminism club is weak? I don’t think that your ECs are “meh.”

Ivy League schools have very low acceptance rates, and most excellent students do not get in. If you like the school and the NPC shows that it is affordable, then apply!

Just make sure you have likely schools on your list (that includes affordability).

Your school counselor should address any health concerns you had.


For your greater college list, this site offers suggestions such as Skidmore and Wesleyan:

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Unless I missed it, you didn’t mention budget.

Brown is nearly $90K a year - can your family afford it and / or do they want to afford it?

So yes, it’s unlikely you get in - but no pain, no gain.

I will point out a few things:

  1. In the most common data set, about 80% of Brown students submit a test and it’s likely that athletes and others make up much of the other 20%.

  2. Previously Brown noted that ED doesn’t give an advantage. They’ve tweaked the language, but they still note similarly - so if applying ED to Brown would restrict your ability to apply to other schools, you may want to forgo ED:

“Our pool of early applicants tends to include a very high proportion of exceptionally talented students and a higher rate of admission for Early Decision applicants reflects that phenomenon. However, it does not imply an automatic advantage for all early candidates. We admit Early Decision applicants only when we are confident that we would offer them admission as a Regular Decision applicant.”

In the end, if you’re interested in the school, whether or not you’re likely to get in or not, you have to try - so at least you can say you did.

Just make sure you have other schools that interest you as well that you can also focus your efforts on - and that wouldn’t matter how your profile is.

Good luck.

Were you diagnosed with narcolepsy by a medical professional? I’ve never heard of a temporary, drug induced narcolepsy.

maybe narcolepsy was the wrong choice of words. It just made me unable to stay awake during most parts of the day, like for example i would have to nap like 5 hours and sleep during school, i couldn’t stay awake

Find out what your doctors called it and refer to it as that. Do not state that you have narcolepsy if you were not diagnosed with it.

yeah i am not!

And this excess sleep lasted for two years? But that’s a whole other thread.

Apply to Brown and see. You can’t get accepted if you don’t apply. But have all your other applications done as well.

Do you have a sense of where you rank in your class? That information is really helpful in a TO situation…

Not gonna happen. Don’t waste your time. Instead, use your time to identify what it is that you love about Brown, and look for schools that are not as selective, but offer those things that made you want Brown.


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