My Chances for IMSA (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy)

What do you think are my chances to get into IMSA Class of 2027

Hi I’m Leo! I’m a Mexican American (My parents are from Mexico). I’m gonna be a Freshman this year and IMSA is a dream school of mine. My last few report cards I’ve gotten are either straight a’s or all a’s and one b plus and my gpa last year was a 3.9. I really love STEM. All my middle school electives were STEM classes and I’ve gotten A’s on all of them. Last year I’ve won two awards on my STEM class. I didn’t do the SAT yet but I will in October and ever since I’ve been studying on Kahn Acadamy so if you know any tips for studying on the SAT that would be so helpful. I do swimming outside of school and last summer I was at a STEM camp. So please give me feedback and thank you so much for helping me :slight_smile:

Are you an Illinois resident?

Yes I am. I live at Aurora

For the SAT, make sure you take some full length practice tests and time yourself. I think these are still available on Khan Academy.

You will need teacher and counselor letters of recommendation so make sure you have good relationships with all of your core teachers. Be an exemplary student.

Find some STEM extracurriculars that are meaningful to you. Be an active participant and contributor.

Good luck!

Thank you so much!

Hey Leo! I’m a current freshman applying to IMSA this year as CO 2027 as well! From what I have seen, your stats look solid! I definitely don’t know everything when it comes to IMSA because I’m not a student there, but I still have some knowledge! Obviously essays and SAT scores matter as well so do your best on those, but keep up the good work! I am assuming that you may be from a more competitive area because you are from Aurora, so also keep that in mind when applying. You want to make sure that you stand out in the application process, especially amongst those who are applying in your area. Also, it’s very cool that your parents are from Mexico! IMSA is great in the sense that it focuses heavily on bringing diversity in the STEM field, so you coming from a background that is underrepresented in STEM can help you in the admissions process. I hope to see you next school year at IMSA, good luck!!!

@skieurope , might you help this poster remove a few personal details so she’s less identifiable ?

Alternatively, I could delete it altogether and suggest that @Magz0426 start her own thread if she wants chances since hijacking threads is it allowed. Which is what I did

And yes if she reposts she should not include such revealing information

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Thx for your help!

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Thank you so much for your feedback this helps a lot! Good luck applying and I also hope to see you in IMSA next year!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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