My chances for UCLA, Berkeley, or Stanford?

• GPA 4.60 currently ranked #1.
• SAT 2190
• AP Coursework: Biology 3, Environmental Science 3, Calculus AB/BC 5, United States History 5, European History 3. Psychology TBA, Statistics TBA, English TBA.
• Honors: Pre-calculus, Chemistry, English.

    • Community Leadership: Leader’s Clubs, Golf Youth Volunteer, Food Justice
    • AVID Club President
    • Robotics Club Vice President/Treasurer
    • Auroras Secretary
    • Treasurer Art Club
    • Treasurer Peer Helping (pretty much the same as Key Club)
    • Mu Alpha Theta National Mathematics Honors Society
    • Sports: Track and Field, Varsity Golf
    Myself: Male, Vietnamese-American, first generation, $82,000 income, 1 younger sister

Oh and I live in CA

What do you plan on majoring in? Is your high school competitive, what is your UW GPA?
Everything looks pretty good, but UCLA and UCB are so competitive with record numbers of applicants applying. You really have to make yourself stand out from the 100k~ applicants applying to UCLA and UCB, and then there’s Stanford, the most selective school in the nation. That school is basically a reach for everyone.

I plan on majoring in engineering. Haven’t decided between electrical, aerospace, or mechanical engineering yet. And no, my school is not really competitive, I go to a low-income school. I’m not quite too sure about my UW GPA, I’ll have to check again later.

Yeah Engineering is basically the most competitive college for the UC’s. I see you have robotics which is good but you might need something more to get into engineering as Berkeley engineering is nearing 7% admit rate which is pretty ridiculous.

You have both URM and First-Generation, so that will you help you a lot. Some of the standardized test score are a bit iffy (AP Exam 3s, moderate SAT), ECs are ordinary. You will need to kill the essays.
How good are you at golf? Do you compete in AJGA or SCPGA Toyota events?

You should be good for UCLA and a likely for UCB. Stanford is possible too, especially with your hook.

Based on my D’s experience, you should focus on your essays and establish a genuine passion and leadership track record in community service or similar interests. Others may disagree but I heard that UC admissions weigh GPA more than SAT/ACT. Your stats put you in a great position with both UC’s but since they attract more qualified applicants than they can admit, you have to make a compelling case in your essays how you attending their UC school will add to the quality of the experience of the student body.
My D got into both the UC’s. However, she applied to the school of letters and Science. she did not apply to Stanford.