<p>Like about wat percent chance do i have at each UC?
1300 670m 630V
horrendous satIIscores 610writing 570lit 570math2
4.10UC gpa
rank 20/500
volunteen UCD med center
work exp togos baskinrobbins
JV football
Varsity Soccer</p>
<p>Wow, very very similar to me :)
Gimme more opinions people :)</p>
<p>By the way, will a "C" greatly affect ur chances in UC's during senior year? Because i think they require us to send a transcript of our first semester grades for senior year.</p>
<p>anyone for my shots?</p>
<p>bump bump, any more opinions for my stats?</p>
<p>Bump, people any more opinions?</p>
<p>ahh cmon cmon</p>