<p>It's the 2nd semester already. Since last semester, I have wanted to drop AP Calc, not only because I do not need it, but, no matter how well i have prepared for the course, I cannot seem to understand it. Our school has a new teacher who has never taught Calc, so it's to be expected.
I've been going in and out of the Office, trying to speak with the principal who has denied my decision. She said I would be able to talk to her in person to explain my case... but, it's been almost a month and a half and they seemed to have ignored me all together. I find this peculiar because it seems like they don't care about their students.
I am an excellent student. I have a 4.24 weighted GPA and a 3.95 unweighted. I have taken many Honors and AP classes that reflect my excelling position. As of right now, I am taking 2 AP classes, Lit. and Bio. I love this classes, but the work from Calc seems to be holding me back drastically. I turn in work that's half the quality I am able to produce. I'm also in APSA, the Asian Pacific Student Alliance, as the President. I've been in that club for 3 long years and I am not about to give up on that. On top of that, I am in Yearbook. I design practically everything since I am the only one in the class that is capable of making decent work. I have a busy schedule already. ASB addes to that, and with all these leadership positions, I believe my chances are high even if I drop Calc.
Calculus is my 5th year of math, it's practically an elective. I only needed 3 years, but 4 years for most UC's. I may have received a B- in the class, but I just do not see how that was possible. I failed all the tests, but I did all the hw. Still, I received below 50% on the tests. That is only because our teacher based the test scores on the highest grade, so they were curved. That's the only thing that helped me survive. The teacher I have for this semester, sadly, does not offer that incentive, so I am stuck... Already, I am behind, and unlike last semester, the entire class understands more of the material than me.
I have already been accepted by SDSU, but it's not my fault if I were to ring them up and ask if I could change my course info. It's my damn school's fault because they care less about their students, and only care that they get money for a class where everyone wastes $82 paying for a test that their not even prepared for. It's a load of crap, and I just want some advice on how the universities will take this sudden change in judgment.
<p>apparently dropping a course is better than getting a D (which i shoulda done but foolishly didnt). so if you think you can get a B or at least a C, i would still stay in it but otherwise, drop if you think a D is a possibility.</p>
<p>Assuming you are a California resident,
UCSD: Safe Match
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Super Safety</p>