My chances of getting in for Computer Science

Hi I currently have an

Unweighted GPA: 3.89
Weighted GPA: 4.05
SAT: 670 English, 790 Math
I have currently taken 6 AP’s
AP Chemistry : 3
AP Comp SCi: 3
AP Psych: 4
AP Calc: 4
AP Micro: 5
Ap Macro: 5
I am planning on taking 5 more AP’s senior year
I have Mediocre EC’s and have some awards
What are my chances of getting into Purdue University for computer science. I live in Michigan

I’d say Purdue is a solid match with a fairly good chance of admission. It’s not a reach and certainly not a safety.

Iirc, your metrics are slightly higher than CS recently, but they increase every year.

This is based on the info provided and assumes you’ve met all the standard criteria for coursework.

Hey Rich,

I ended up getting a B in AP Computer Science and B in AP Calculus due to family issues will this reduce my chances of admission. Out of the 44 coursed I took I got B’s and B+'s in 4 of the courses. AP Calc and Comp sci are 2 of them. How can I communicate to colleges that the reason I got those B’s were because of family issues.

Ask your guidance counselor to address the family issues in their LOR.

I suppose it would technically reduce your chances compared to getting As. But I think your profile is quite strong with 4 Bs/3.89. My D had several Bs and a 3.8 and is entering her Senior year at Purdue.

I’m not sure I’d try to “explain” two Bs out of 40+ grades.