My chances of getting in to TAMU through review process

<p>Ethnicity: Asian
Scores: 1250 (M+CR)
GPA: 3.58 unweighted
Rank: top 20%
6 AP classes
math club
varsity track team
varsity tennis team
Service hours:160+
work experience: Work in a e-commerce company for web design
3 good essays
Major: International studies for first and technology management for second</p>

<p>Good chances, your stats are very similar to mine, you have 10 points more on your SAT than I do, but I have 4% higher ranking. Your SAT is at their total average which is 1240. You’re not going for a really competitive school within College Station so I would say you have an 80% chance.</p>

<p>@BlakeGrhymes Thank you for your comment! And do U know how long does it take for admission office to make the decisions? I applied on mid Nov.</p>

<p>Not quite sure, they told me that their goal is February 15th for holistic candidates. My majors are in the College of Engineering so I was told they want to notify COE students by January 15th. So far they have sent out 300 or so holistic decisions.</p>