My chances of getting into a UC?

<p>MAJOR: Psychology?
SCHOOLS: UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC Los Angeles, Stanford</p>

Biology (A/A)
Geometry (A/A)
Spanish 2 (A/A)
English 1 Pre-Honors (A/A)
PE 9 (A/A)
Art 1 (A/A)
GPA: 4.0</p>

Aerobics 1 (A/A)
Chemistry Honors (A/A)
English 2 Pre-Honors (A/A)
Algebra 2/Trigonometry (A/A)
Spanish 3 (A/A)
Leadership (A/A)
AP World History (A/A)
GPA: 4.29
TOTAL: 4.14</p>

AP US History (A/A)
Pre-Calculus Honors (A/A)
Physiology Honors (A/A)
ROP Journalism (A/A)
Leadership (A/A)
English 3 Honors (A/A)
GPA: 4.67
TOTAL: 4.32</p>

AP English 4
AP Calculus AB
AP Statistics
Economics/Government [possibly Honors]
ROP Journalism 2

Swimming 10th
Swimming 11th</p>

Asian Pacific Islander Club, 9th-10th. [Hopefully President 12th.]
French Club, 10th-12th. [Secretary 12th.]
Link Crew, 10th-12th. [Link Crew Commissioner 12th.]
Interact Rotary Club, 10th-11th [Treasurer 11th, Vice President 12th]
CSF, 10th-12th [Total volunteer hours: 200+]
Leadership, 10th-12th [Site Council Rep 10th, ASB Publicity 11th, ASB Secretary 12th]
Journalism, 11th-12th [Hopefully Editor of the paper 12th]</p>

AP World - 2
AP English Language & Composition - ?
AP US History - ?
SAT - 1820 [600CR, 670M, 550W]
SAT II Math 2 - 590
SAT II US History - 660
ACT - 28? [31-30-29-23]</p>

Chinese School - 9th-10th
Abnormal Psychology - Course at a community college
Camp Royal - Leadership development camp sponsored by Rotary</p>

<p>As you can see, my test scores aren't too great, at least they're not what you'd expect from a straight A student.</p>

<p>Let's see.. I'm not sure if I can take Econ/Gov Honors as I will have schedule conflicts if I do so.</p>

<p>I had to quit Chinese School because I no longer had time for it.</p>

<p>And I just decided what I wanted to major in during the winter of 2008, which is why I didn't take Psychology or Health classes junior year.</p>

<p>And Psychology is the same period as AP Calculus next year, so I switched out of it for Journalism.</p>

<p>So what do you think? Can I get into Berkeley/LA/Davis/Stanford?</p>

<p>UC Davis- In
UC Los Angeles- Low reach
UC Berkeley- Reach
Stanford- High reach</p>

<p>Your test scores are the major flaw in your application from what I can see. Get those scores up and retake the SAT and you’ll have a much better chance at the more competitive schools. Also, are you in-state or out-of-state?</p>

<p>I’m in state.</p>

<p>I know, my test scores really really suck and I don’t know how to raise them.</p>

<p>I think you will get into either UCLA, UCB or UCSD with those scores. But if you get them in the 2000s, then you’re in at ucla and probably ucb.</p>

<p>Your scores are low…probably too low for Stanford. You have a good chance at the UCs, especially coming from in-state. If you raise your scores though you could get into UCLA/UCB.</p>

<p>You should really try and match your test scores to your GPA, if not your chances UCLA, UCB and Stanford will be slim.</p>

<p>I’m going to try extra hard to raise my SAT score. I know I can. I got an 1820 by not studying at all [I had no time, it’s not that I’m lazy] so I can most def. Manage a higher score.</p>

<p>Would background help? I’m extremely poor, I’m Chinese. First generation? [my parents came to the US as refugees from Vietnam, then they had me.]</p>

<p>I just want to update this thread by saying I got into all the schools I applied to: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Davis, and UC Santa Cruz! I didn’t apply to Stanford because I wouldn’t really want to attend anyway. </p>

<p>I really think it was my personal statements that made me stand out from the rest of the crowd. I was extremely worried about my SAT scores, but it really goes to show you that UCLA/UCB truly looks holistically at each applicant.</p>