<p>I am a male senior in High School at the moment. I am first in my family to go to college, first generation American, and Hispanic. My GPA is at a 3.5 out of 5 scale. I am in a school for Advanced maths and sciences. My Sophomore year I took one AP class, Junior year I took four, and right now I am taking 6, with another one coming next semester. I have about 40+ community service hours and am interning at a local hospital. My ACT Composite was 25 and SAT Reading+Math was 1150. I am secretary of my local chapter of Quill and Scroll Honor Society, and am readily involved in many UIL academic events. I want to major in either Biology, Bioinformatics, or Biomedical Engineering, with a double major in English (for the lols). So what are my chances?</p>
<p>It’s tough to say. I know a person who has gotten into Baylor with credentials rather similar to yours, but she was put on academic probation. If you can clarify in your essay/interview that you are a Baptist with a desire to further your education in a strictly Baptist environment, you’d definitely increase your chances.</p>
<p>Now, in order to get into Sarah Lawrence college, you should definitely use a different method. They’re well known for being one of the least religious colleges in the US, unlike Baylor, who enforces church attendance. You need to write a beautiful essay like you’ve never written before that conveys your determination and sense of individuality.</p>