My Chances of Getting Into UCF

<p>Yea, I am spazzing, really spazzing. Plus, I would like to get what I can get done out of the way during the summer before school starts so I can just focus on my classes.</p>

<p>Here's My stats:</p>

<p>GPA (Core classes): 3.4 [all because of stupid math]</p>

<p>SAT: 1060 (CR+M) [first time w/o studying]
I am taking it over</p>

9: 4 honors
10: 3 honors and 1 AP
11: 3 APs and 3 honors and 1 dual enrollment
12: [nxt year schedule] 4 APs, Intern/Externship, 2 dual enrollment classes, Senior Priv</p>

<p>Community Sevice:120 and counting...
ECs: HOSA, Project Earth, Academic Games...</p>

<p>Yea..I am all over the place..especially because of the premed magnet messing up my schedule</p>

<p>Another question: For single bedroom dorms {like the towers}, do you split the amount or do each person pay the whole amount?</p>

<p>That is great that you plan to retake the SAT, but I also highly recommened taking the ACT as well. I am sure you hear this a lot, but the ACT is a completely different test than the SAT with a different test style that may be easier for you. Also, buy study books for both the SAT and ACT. They are not expensive and they give you plenty of practice tests, so that on the day of the test you will be more than ready, as long as you studied well.</p>

<p>You should submit your application in early. Even if you did not take your SAT/ACT yet, or haven’t received your scores yet, it doesn’t matter. They will look at your application and decide at the moment if your scores are good enough yet for UCF. If not, they will ask for more scores. In the meantime, continue to take tests while you are awaiting the results from UCF, that way UCF will not have to wait around for new scores to come in. I submitted my application early and I was accepted in October. However, after my acceptance I took the SAT and the ACT two more times each so that I could get the best scholarships from them, along with acceptance into the Burnett Honors College. Your senior year will be a long one, which means you have a lot of time for testing. But make sure that you get all of your testing done right away, don’t wait a few months after school starts to start registering for tests.</p>

<p>As far as housing goes, I would check out the UCF Housing website:
[UCF</a> Housing and Residence Life | Rates](<a href=“]UCF”>
The amount listed is the price you pay. The price is not split for any of the apartments/residential halls.</p>

<p>I threw a lot at you, but if you have any more questions or need some clarification feel free to ask.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. </p>

<p>I hate the ACT, i took them already but i feel better with SAT</p>

<p>So are you saying, I should send in my app as soon as I get back to school in August with my score of 1060…or wait till i take another one and then send in my app?</p>

<p>Or can I submit my app but leave my scores out till i get good ones…</p>

<p>b/c im a lil confused now because i dnt know if u meant that they will not reject until i get my last scores sent in…
oh god im confused…lol</p>

<p>Send everything you have in July or August! Send your SAT scores, your ACT scores, application, transcripts, essays and money…my son heard from them at the end of August and was offered money before the end of September. He had a 3.6 UCF GPA, 1100 SAT and 26 ACT. He has friends who waited, had higher GPA’s and higher SAT scores that were deferred because they applied later…like in October…don’t wait!</p>

<p>That’s what I plan to do because anxiety is killing me. So, I want to at least start senior year off good knowing I don’t have to worry about getting into UCF like my friends and spend more time raking in money…i took the June SAT and i am waiting for the score…hopefully i went up at least 100 points like to a 1160. My ACT was 20…I seriously didn’t understand that test. </p>

<p>Do you know how to calculate the UCF GPA?</p>


<p>Does UCF like Dual enrollment becuz I started with macroeconomics and got a B…will that impact my chances?</p>

<p>To clarify my post for you:</p>

<p>Send your application in when you start your senior year. If they don’t like your current scores they will wait for better ones. But if they like your scores they will accept you. The earlier your application is in, the better chance you have of being accepted.</p>

<p>I highly suggest that during the first week of your senior year you go to your junior year teachers for letters of recommendation (at least 2), so that way everything will be ready for your application right away. Or, you could email those teachers right now, if your school website has the email addresses of your teachers.</p>

<p>UCF calculates their GPA by giving you 1 extra point for AP and Dual Enrollment and a 0.5 point for Honros but only in core classes…English, Math, Social Science, Physical Science, Languages and they only use the final grade for the year. So take a look at what you got as your final grades for your freshman, sophmore and junior years and if you got an A in an honors math course at the end of the year, they would give you a 4.5 for that class. Good luck.</p>

<p>Shinee- If you are instate, what is your academic core GPA? That is very very close to your UCF GPA. In Broward County, student’s report cards (and online at virtual counselor) reflect three GPA’s (unweighted, Academic Core and Weighted). To be competitive for UCF, your academic core should be at least 3.5. This past year, very few kids got in initially with less than a 1100 SAT. These kids were deferred until after retaking the SAT or first semester grades came out. </p>

<p>If your core 3.4 GPA is weighted then you are OK (but not a shoo in) for UCF BUT, your SAT needs to come up. </p>

<p>Best chances for admission…APPLY IN JULY (Really, really), when school starts in August immediately get your transcripts sent to UCF (you have to fill out a form for this), have your June SAT’s sent to UCF ASAP. You don’t need teacher recs for UCF at all. You do need your guidance counselor to fill out a GC recommendation. Go to her/him the first week of school in August and have this done (the form is online and the GC can do the entire thing online). Do this and you will have the best chances of admission and you should hear by late September or early October.</p>

<p>Just a general question, so we only need 1 counselor rec. (not teacher) for UCF? And this is the same for Honors too?</p>

<p>From the UCF Website:</p>

<p>To be considered for admission, first year applicants must submit the following documentation to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions:</p>

<p>An application for admission
A non-refundable $30 application fee
Official high school transcript
Official SAT (code:5233) or ACT (code:0735) scores
Official GED or TOEFL score, if applicable
Submission of the Counselor Recommendation Form
Submission of the application essay is strongly encouraged </p>

<p>From the Honors College website:</p>

<p>Admission to The Burnett Honors College is highly selective. Typically, academically talented students identified by the UCF Undergraduate Admissions Office are invited to apply to University Honors by The Burnett Honors College. However, any incoming student interested in applying to The Burnett Honors College may request an Honors Application by completing and submitting the Honors Application Request form below. To be eligible to apply to The Burnett Honors College, students must:
Be admitted to UCF
Complete the Honors application in its entirety, including the personal statement and an unofficial copy of the high school transcript.
Note: A student may apply to The Burnett Honors College prior to being admitted to UCF, but the College will be unable to review the application until the applicant has been admitted to UCF.</p>

<p>The Burnett Honors College has a rolling admissions process. Typically, applicants receive a decision within 3-5 weeks after they apply. The admission process involves a comprehensive review of the applicant’s academic background, standardized test scores, and activities and interests. Applications are mailed to prospective students starting mid-September. Because The Burnett Honors College accepts a limited number of students each year, students should submit their Honors Application as early as possible. The Burnett Honors College considers each applicant’s weighted high school grade point average, class rank, the new SAT and/or ACT scores, advanced course work (AP, IB, and dual enrollment), and participation in co-curricular activities. Applicants must provide an unofficial high school transcript directly to The Burnett Honors College , but they do not have to report their test scores (SAT and/or ACT) directly; the test scores reported to UCF will be used. Although not required, students are encouraged to submit additional supporting materials such as a personal essay, resum</p>