My Chances of getting into Virginia Tech??

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to be given a ballpark estimation of whether I have a chance of getting into Virginia Tech (I recently applied)

My GPA is a 3.64 now, but it will increase tremendously after senior year (My mid-year grades will be all A’s, which I have maintained a 4.4 GPA during the first half of my senior year, and I expect that to continue during second semester) My GPA has steadily increased throughout my high school career, as well.

My SAT score is 1200 (I know, it’s low) Math: 530 Reading/Writing: 670

AP Classes: AP English 11, AP US History, AP English 12, AP US Government

My classes for senior year: Technical Drawing, Spanish 4, AP English 12, AP US Government, Computer information systems, Student Tutor for Statistics, PreCalculus, and Physics Honors.

I only have a few extra curriculars : Art Club 10th grade, Ecology club 11th grade, FCCLA 11th grade and 12th grade, and SCA 12th grade (I also volunteered in 10th grade and in 12th grade)

I wrote two essays, one on the % reasons I want to be a hokie, and then the other on the free write essay.

My mother has attended college, but never earned a degree, and my father has his GED. I am also in-state, small town near the middle of Virginia.

I applied to Universal Studies (Undecided)

Please let me know what you think!

I realize Virginia Tech is a reach for me, but I can’t get this school off my mind!

You are in state so that’s an advantage. Your math score on the SAT is a weakness though. The 25th percentile for Virginia Tech is 560 so that puts you in the lower 10% or so. Virginia Tech has a very high acceptance rate so that is a good thing. It is a reach school for you but the 70%+ acceptance rate could save you. Good luck!

Thank you!!

Just an FYI - VT has become more challenging to get into over the last few years. It’s acceptance rate last year was 68% compared with 73% a few years ago.

From what I’ve read, admission can vary greatly by school/program at VT. Fortunately, they are very transparent with their historical admissions data. By using this tool, you can search by quite a few variables:

Good luck!

Thank You!

Got accepted back in October!

@JayZee21 Did you do early decision?

@confused6789 Nope. I did regular decision. They invited us in October to come in November to special scholars day and told us a decision would be made at end of day. And sure enough, I got accepted. My stats are 31 ACT 4.4 GPA 7 APs i think. Im forgetting how many now. AP national Scholar etc etc etc.

@JayZee21 Can you please tell me more about this scholars day? My stats are 1460 (SAT), 33 ACT (34 SS), 4.24 GPA, 12 AP classes.

@JayZee21 Your earlier post said that you were accepted in October, then a later post said it was at a Scholar’s Day in November. I have never heard of this Scholars Day and your SAT and GPA are good, but not close to the range of National Merit Scholars. It all sounds kind of fishy to me.

call the admissions officer and ask them. It’s i think diversity scholars day. Special invitation only. I was just trying to help u as u asked the question. I have no need to lie. Invite came in October and attendance was November. Call the VT office. I will look and see if I can find a link. I don’t know for sure because like I said it was special invite only. Apologize for any confusion. I have been accepted into Va tech already.

Call. Alphonso Garrett at 540.231.0678. He is an admissions officer ask him about campus connection day. He can answer ur questions. All the best to you all in ur pursuit of admissions to Va tech. The interchange scholars day with campus connection day. Hope that helps. Also just do a search on Virginia tech college campus connection day in college confidential search bar. U should see some stuff come up.

Someone chance me!
White Female In-State but NOT from NOVA
3.7 GPA
1060 SAT (I know it’s low)
100+ service hours
Cheerleading all 4 years of highschool
Clean disciplinary record
I applied to Criminology, hoping sense it’s not one of the more popular majors I’ll have a better chance with my SAT score:/ thank you!!