My chances of getting into VT?

Hey guys,

This is my first time on here so forgive me. I’m sure you get this all of the time but with a 3.2W gpa (horrible, I know) should I even consider applying to Virginia Tech as a CS student? I’d rather not waste anyone else’s time nor my own. I’m an instate HS senior and have had somewhat of an upward trend in GPA. My first two years consisted of a 2.9, I had a 3.8 last year, and I’m now on track for a 3.8 once more this senior year. I should mention (if this works in my favor) that my course load this year consists of mostly DE classes like Government, English, Comp sci, Bio, and Anatomy/physiology. As of now I’m easily holding on to two B’s and 5 A’s.

Some of my Achievements/activities are as follows:

I was the unit commander of my JROTC unit.

Sergeant of my Civil Air Patrol unit

Team captain of an academic competition team

Made it to nationals on another academic team

National and state medals (Earned through JROTC)

Few hundred hours of community service

I speech fluent English and intermediate Arabic, French, Amharic, and Tigrinya

Demographic: half African half Canadian

And while there are some other cool things about me they’re probably not important to the admissions staff. I don’t mean to come off rude and I apologize if I have, but VT has for as long as I can remember been has been my top pick. By the end of the semester I should be at a 3.4/5w GPA (total of all years)

(also, my school only calculates weighted grades)

I honestly don’t think (not knowing how hard your school is) that Computer Science at VT is going to be possible. It is in the engineering program and much more difficult to get into.

There are other computer related fields in the business and science departments that maybe would be a better choice to try for if you really want VT. I would also look at applying as a cadet with your JROTC experience - that could help.

I would speak to your high school guidance councilor as they will know what GPA range and and SAT ranges have been getting into VT. Taking the SAT/ACT would be a good idea to be able to show something different then GPA.