My chances of getting into VT

<p>Hey i was just wondering what everyone thinks.. I know the SAT score is low!! Also my high school (Salem High School, Salem,VA is in the top 5 for best education in VA)</p>

<p>I got Deffered into the Regular App pool from VT this year. They wanted to see another SAT score and my mid year grades.</p>

<p>I had an 3.52 GPA and 910 SAT score (480 in math, 410 in english)- i know its low. That's what i had when they deferred me.</p>

<p>Now, I have a 3.68 GPA and a 990 SAT score (low i know, but improved 80 points.. Math is now 520 and English is 470. Everything has improved ever since they deferred me. My semester grades for senior year are All A's, and the GPA for that is 4.5, I am in tough courses, IB spanish, IB math, College Prep English, College Govt.</p>

<p>So, do you think i have a chance since I have pretty much been perfect for the semester and I raised my SATs (even though they are low)?</p>

<p>I am first generation by the way.</p>

<p>I applied for Poltical Science
Additional Details
I also live only 20 min away from VT</p>

<p>GPA is much higher than mines, had about 3 weighted last year, full ib 1290 sat, i’m screwed
i applied for engineering for all my colleges and i just got report cards saying i have F’s in IB physics HL and IB Calc SL</p>

<p>no hope here, good luck to you, at least your gpa is nice</p>

<p>I don’t think either of you has a chance of getting in. Kasie, you’re SAT scores are too low, they say that good GPA/grades can rectify a bad SAT score, but in VT’s case that means getting a 4.5 with As and B+s in honors and APs to compensate for an 1150 or so. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but I’d look elsewhere.</p>

<p>x1283, You dug yourself deep when you applied directly to engineering. Kasie applied poly sci and would be in with a 1100 or so, but you won’t get University Studies deferral, they’re just going to drop you all together. I’d never say it’s impossible to get accepted if you apply university studies/liberal arts…anything is possible, but by virtue of the fact you applied directly to Engineering, you probably sealed your rejection letter.</p>