My Chances / Please Respond

<p>I have a 3.1 GPA now at the end of my junior year; I will most likely graduate with a 3.2 GPA. I have a 1040 SAT/ 22 ACT. I am in the top 30% of my class. I have taken honors courses:
(H/AP): English I
French III
French IV
I have a very strong extra-curricular background of over 1500 hours of volunteer work along with extra-curricular activities including:
French Club (4 Years)
Church Youth Group (10 Years)
Key Club Treasurer and Member (3 Years)
Natural Helper (2 Years)
Letterman’s Club (2 Years)
Community Action Team (1 Year)
Coach of AYSO Youth Soccer (7 Years)
Coach of Youth Swim Team (3 Years)</p>

<p>I have also served on a Governor’s Youth Advisory Council in Nevada for 2 Years and I am on the Youth Leadership Team at the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. That is also a two-year term.</p>

<p>I am Involved in sports including
4 Varsity Letters in High School Swim Team
1 Junior Varsity Letter for High School Golf Team
14 Years on the Club Swim Team for my city</p>

<p>My work experience consists of a part time job during the summer of my junior year (this year), and four years as the Marketing Manager to a major magazine in my community.</p>

<p>I have many recomendations from teachers and coaches as well as the principal of my school. I also have a part minority status (1/4 Asian).</p>

<p>Considering all of this, what are my chances (percentage wise) of getting into Arizona. Is there anything I can work on or fix to have a better chance of being admitted? I would love to be admitted to this school!!</p>

<p>I would love it if someone or many people would reply to this and be honest please!!</p>

<p>The one thing you need to do is take the SAT or ACT over again and get your scores up, they are the only thing really holding you back. However, your grades are good enough and your volunteer work is very impressive and U of A will look at all of that, but I'm not sure how much of a role it will play. Really, the biggest thing for you are your standardized testing scores, if you can get them up to something like a 24 or 25 ACT, you will definitely get in. U of A is still easy to get into so I think you have a good shot, but it's not a guarantee since you are out-of-state.</p>

<p>I don't know if you know about this but how is U of A when it comes to financial aid? If I try an apply for financial aid will it hurt my chances of accpetance? Any other information you have for me about applying there or the school in general would be great! I need all the help I can get!</p>

<p>The application for financial aid is the same as the application for admission, if I remember right. It shouldn't hurt your chances of getting in, because it's the same application! Double check at the website, but I'm almost 100% sure that's the way it is.</p>

<p>The FAFSA and the application for admission are different. The application for admission is the same as the application for scholarships (not need-based, when you apply you are considered for scholarships), but the FAFSA (need based aid) is a different app. I doubt your chances of getting in will be harder if you apply for aid, but Arizona is a public school in a state where they face lots of budget cuts and thus it is probably difficult to get a good financial aid package out of them. However, I wasn't that great a student in HS (my test scores were way, way above Arizona's averages though) and I got a small scholarship (2000 a year.)</p>