My chances? thank you!

<p>I want to know my chances at university of miami, USC, duke and berkeley </p>

<p>My SAT- 2140
Unweighted GPA- 3.69, top 6% of class
-10 AP's (including this year) and 4 honors</p>

<p>-President/founder of a special needs volunteer club; also raised over $5000 for the special needs community
-Swam all 4 years, won league sophomore year and been on varsity since junior year
cross country 2 years
-Took courses at stanford and UCLA over the past two summers (mainly in psychology)
-volunteered 3 years at a hospital
-second degree black belt in tae kwon do
-photo editor in yearbook, as well as a design editor last year
-one good and one luke warm letters of rec from teachers, and sent in an additional (stellar) letter
-spanish honors society (second year)
-and a good essay</p>

<p>Will I get in? and if so, will I get aid?</p>

<p>How does your SAT breakdown for M and CR? UM doesn’t look at Writing portion. Of the APs that you have taken, what were your scores? Did you take the ACT? Did you visit the school, meet with admissions or finaid or anyone from the school you’d like to major in? Assume you applied EA? How large is your senior class?

<p>reading- 680
math- 760</p>

<p>I’ve gotten all 4’s and a 2 in AP spanish language
no ACT
Did not visit the school or meet with anyone from the school
I applied RD, and class size of 550</p>

<p>I’d say you are in with the 20k merit scholarship. Perhaps the 24k depending on the overall quality of the RD pool. Not sure about a Singer invite with the 24k - again so much depends on the depth of talent applying this year.
Just my opinion/guess you realize…

<p>Max - you look good for Miami and USC. The California UCs appear to want to admit more out of state student due to the increased fees. So, you look like you could get into Berkley. Duke seems to be tougher and the stats on the common data set indicate a preference to test scores, course rigor, recommendations, and essays. Your scores, ranking and rigor seem to be in the range. So, it is down to essays and recommendations. In summary, you look fine for all with Duke being the wild card.</p>