My chances to my college list ? please help

<p>Hello. My GPA is actually low, a 3.0. I went to a turkish private high school and the classes were extremely difficult. We dont actually have the exact method with those U.S AP classes but they gave us advanced classes to attend. I attended:</p>

<p>Advanced Physics: 2 years with a 3.0
Advanced Literature: 3 years 3.3
Also the last two years a attended German classes and finished with a 3.4 sophomore year and 3.9 junior year.
Also studied Turkish for 5 years, around 3.5
And last year Advanced Economics with a 3.0
Took sciences classes freshman and sophomore year (chemistry,physics,biology) but none of them junior year.</p>

<p>(Low GPA most of my dads heart condition (arythmia) and my mom had a psychotic break, and i suffered from anxiety, couldn’t do without diazepam)</p>

<p>Extracurricular activities:
-Been to a lot of science fairs and IT olympiads.
-Have been a boxer for my city for 6 years (never a champion, 2nd place), then i quit cause of my anxiety and my damaged clavicle.<br>
-I took Italian private lessons.
-Certified diver from SSI (scuba school international) and worked 2 year volunteer with the Director of Archeology opening a underwater course for a gas tube from Greece (will reduce gas price and unemployment), getting the certificate this summer.
-Currently attending in a organization collecting plastic bottle caps and selling them to Turkey and with the money we are buying wheelchairs and distributing them to children who cannot afford buying one (Albania is very poor).
-Always visiting asylums helping elderly people with the organization (this year a will get the certificate too).
-After high-school i lived for 6 months in Kosovo where i worked as a bartender in a lounge bar, also as a storekeeper and worked with the finances (the owner is a family member, i got to work and learn accounting softwares)
-Also worked as a assistant of a Italian man who produced diamond discs. I found him some client for diamond, bronze and iron powder and was in charge for request of the materials every weak and negotiating (increased my italian very much)</p>

<p>Plan to take the SAT again (first time 1600 no study at all), this time i am scoring 2010 in PSAT, teacher says by September i will improve and take at least 2100 easily. (writing sections is awful, critical reading getting better, and math i plan to take a perfect score, though 750 is more about it)</p>

<p>Colleges i like:
Amherst (i know i wont make it but just trying mu luck)
Carnegie Mellon
University of Illinois-Urbana Champagne (not very much a priority)
Uni. of Richmond
Vanderbilt University
Hamilton College</p>

<p>What are my chances ? what do you think ? please help with mu expectations.</p>

<p>Those are all very highly regarded schools and I have to say that your GPA will be a major turn off for them. Additionally, although your essays may be good in content, from what I’ve read of your writing in this post I imagine that they will lack flow because English is not your native language (no offense - try to have a native English speaker read them for you). Another major thing to consider is finances. Most American schools do not offer need-based aid for internationals. You say that your country is very poor, but it also seems that you attended a boarding school; can your family afford to foot the near $60,000 bill for some of these schools?</p>

<p>i converted my grades to a 4.0 scale dont know if i did it correctly actually i will look again but my professor told me they were around 3.0 - 3.3 in 4.0 scale … and no my family cannot afford $60,000 … i would be better off attending University of Budapest, or Copenhagen or State University of Moscow. It would be much cheaper for me, but my parents priority is to send me to U.S. My sister is an American citizen and lives there. I saw in the official webpage that Macelester and some other universities gave financial aid to international students. Is the average stats about financial aid correct ? Would you suggest me some good schools i would have a better chance ? Thank you very much @caitian</p>
