My chances

<p>Im an outside state student who wants to attend University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. </p>

<p>Its either Ann Arbor (I better get accepted), UC SD, or UCLA!</p>

1990 570 CR, 770 M, 650 W</p>

3.6 uw
3.9 w</p>

Kendo 4 years
Tae kwon do 9 years
(both black belt)
Hospital Volunteer: nearly did 350+ hrs
President and VP of clubs</p>

Teachers: Excellent, he showed it to me it was well written
Coun: She atteneded Ann Arbor and Stanford, and she took me to lunch so it was fine</p>

<p>In Conclusion! JUST GET ME INTO LSA PLEASE!!</p>

<p>I was deferred from LSA at March 10.. </p>

<p>its sad...</p>

<p>dude, i have pretty much the same stats as yours except a lower score in math and higher scores in verbal and writing (they're not looking at writing this year i think). I hope that you get in as that will give me hope. I also got deferred from LSA around the end of January.</p>

<p>well UC SD on college board acceptance rate was 42% and UMICH on colelge board was 57%, and the website last year's stats were estimated 58% as well so i think he has a good chance at UMICH and with ec and rec he will get in to LSA</p>