<p>So basically, I'm applying to Fordham LC as a transfer. My application is really close to being finalized. I'm just cleaning up my entry letter and making everything shiny and pristine.</p>
<p>The only thing I'm worried about is my GPA. It's in the 3.2 to 3.3 margin. No SAT scores because I have more than two years in college. I'm applying as a communications major with a concentration on journalism. I've spoken with members of the faculty and I've acclimated myself with the school newspaper. I have a lot going for me as a journalism major as I have plenty of experience in the field of journalism, and I'd say I have a B+ to A- average, but I'm very, very nervous about the GPA thing.</p>
<p>I had a 3.75 in high school, but as I've been in community college for two years, they wont count that.</p>
<p>So what are my chances of getting in?</p>