my chances?

<p>I'm an african-american female from NY.
I have an unweighted GPA of 91 weighted 94
My SAT scores are M-610 CR-600 W-630 (Took it again in nov. waiting on scores)
SAT IIs Biology E- 610 US History- 620
AP Scores: AP US History 3 AP English Language-3
Currently taking: -AP Physics
-AP Calculus AB
-AP Language
-AP Government
- Honors Communications</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars</p>

<p>School Newspaper (4 years Editor 1 year)
Varsity Track and Field (3 years captain)
Step Team (4 years Captain 2 years)
Junior States of America (4 years)
National Honor Society (3 years)
National Junior Honor Society (1 year)
JV Basketball (1 year)
Peer Counseling (1 year)
Student Body Treasurer (1 year)
Mathletes (2 years)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work</p>

<p>Walk for Breast Cancer Volunteer (4 years)
Walk for Autism Volunteer (4 years)
Special Olympics Volunteer (4 years)
Habitat for Humanity (2 years)</p>

<p>Special Programs</p>

<p>Internship at Rodale Inc. (company that makes Men's health and Women's health) got my writing published in special publication (1 year)
People To People Student Ambassador (1 year)
Conference on Health Disparities At Columbia University: Teacher's College (1 year)</p>

<p>Excellent Teacher Recs & Guidance Counselor Rec
Excellent essays.</p>

<p>I like your chances at UNC. You're a URM, so that should help. Your scores are fine, and your EC's are outstanding. I'd like to know your class rank, but you are extremely well rounded. Great job! Will you chance me in return? </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>