My College Essay due tommorow HELP!!! this is what I have and it's horrible.

<p>As a child I was constantly tormented and ridiculed for various reasons because of this I lost every ounce of self worth in my body. It took me 7 years to recover and realize that this situation has only made me the stronger, confident, and intelligent woman I am today. The circumstances of my bullying altered my perspective of the world. In the beginning all of my standards and values were completely controlled by society. I was afraid to think for myself but at one point I learned that I’m allowed to be different because we are all different. This is what inspired my mantra, “Never Judge Others” because everyone is entitled to their own personalities and opinions. After graduating college, my goal is to show society to accept the differences in all of us, because there should be no standard as to what normality is. At the end of the day we are all human and deserve the right to be treated with equality and respect.
This is my paragraph and I feel as if it's horrible probably because it is and my advisor expects this to be doe by tommorow please someone help me. It's dark isn't I shouldprobably use a metaphor or should I just start over, someone respond soon plese.</p>

<p>For various reasons - list a couple concisely
7 -> seven (it just looks more professional)
Reasons because -> reasons. Because
Self worth -> self-worth
At one point - when?</p>

<p>Also, spend more time talking about the specifics of your bullying itself. Maybe it seems too personal, but if you didn’t want to talk about it you wouldn’t have chosen it as a topic. Currently, your essay seems like a havkneyed, though valid, answer, and needs to be made your own. This won’t happen if you keep it as generic and unexplored as it is.</p>