White middle class male, decent long island public school
630M 600V 610W(Retaking)
780 US History 720 Bio
Notihing really that great, Quiz bowl, Peer leader and a couple other things</p>
<p>George Washington University
American University
Loyola College in Maryland
Clark University
Northeastern University
Ohio State University
York College in Pennsylvania
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Stonybrook</p>
<p>You have good chances at every school on your list. It's great if you're happy with that list, but I agree with y17k, you could definitely afford to add a reach or two if there are schools you'd like to go to but thought were a bit out of your reach.</p>
<p>Ok so I think I'm going to remove york(they only offer an associates in Poly Sci) and and Boston college and University of Maryland College Park. Is this a well balanced list?</p>