My college list is nonexistent and/or infinitely long...

<p>Hm, okay, so it's like, practically December already, and I HAVE NOT PICKED A COLLEGE. omogmomg, right? lol. Well, I mean, not only have I not picked out a college, I don't even have a list of colleges! D:
Mk, so, I am turning to you, my faithful CCer's, to help me out :]</p>

<p>Here's what I want out of a college, kind of, although I really honestly don't know what I want, and I kiiiind of don't really want to go to college at all... lol.</p>

<p>Okay, so, let's make the college NOT in Georgia.</p>

<p>[[[[Oh, and I've already applied to UGA honors, Emory, Mercer (ew right, but it was free, and ... yeah), and Oxford at Emory... I am already planning to apply to Vanderbilt (which is where I had kind of somewhat decided that I wanted to go, but now I dunno, and I have no clue anymore) and had halfway thought about Georgetown]]]]</p>

<p>I don't really want to go to college like RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of a city, but I do want to be close enough to a city that I could get there pretty quickly and easily <--- Hmm maybe because I want a nice campus? Lol, or at least for it to be close to somewhere not-city-ish and pretty.</p>

<p>Hm, I don't want to go to college that close to home, really, so it doesn't matter how far away it is, I suppose. </p>

<p>Okay, for majors and whatnot... ummm... yeah not a clue. For some reason, my mom [and everybody else?] was under the impression that I wanted to major/minor in music or piano performance or something along those lines. HOWEVERRRR I am so so so not interested in taking any of the silly classes that go into that [theory and really any other music class at all] because I honestly just want to play piano for fun and stuff like that. Yeaaah, I would like to have a college though that at least has a music-y program, because I play the viola too and would like to [but wouldn't be crushed if I couldn't] play in an orchestra or chamber group or something.
I suck at science and stuff like that [no really. I do - except for theoretical physics! Bahahaha] and am not really interested in it either.
I do like political-y stuff, like economics and int. relations and gov't and [dare I say.. history!?!??] whatnot. Hmm, and I'm quite good at math stuff, and even if I didn't major in a math-related field, I'd love to take a few more advanced math courses in college.
Uhhhhhhh basically I would probably like to major in anything really, except medical/science/stuff like that. </p>

<p>MK this post is super long, sorry - but here I'll put in some of my academic-y stats just to give a feel for what kind of college I can get into.</p>

<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.97
GPA - Weighted: 4.47
Class Rank: 2
Class Size: 638</p>

SAT I Critical Reading: 740
SAT I Math: 800
SAT I Writing: 760
Total: 1540/1600, 2300/2400
And I'm taking SAT II's in Math II, Lit, and Latin on Dec 6.</p>

<p>Bleh, well I dunno what else, but recommend some colleges for me pleeeease :]</p>

<p>Oh, and my extreeeemely tentative list is as follows:
Emory [and Oxford at Emory]
UGA honors [cringe... I am so not feeling UGA]
Hm, there are more, but those are the more serious ones.</p>

<p>You might want to add Rice. It seems to fit what you’re looking for and has a lot of flexibility to allow you to change majors and colleges if you decide to go in a different direction. A lot of students also double major.</p>

<p>^Thanks! :]</p>

<p>What about WashU in St. Louis?</p>

<p>You could maybe add Tulane as a safety.</p>

<p>I don’t know if it was in your post (I may have skipped over it), but are you looking to stay in the South? Or are you open to anything?</p>

<p>edit: Nevermind, I saw that you have Princeton and Georgetown.</p>

<p>^^^Eh, I am kind of staying away from Missouri, too much family there, lol. and ^^ yeah, open to really anything.</p>

<p>edit - Okay mattsmom, I’ll look into those too :]</p>

<p>Look into Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Swarthmore, Haverford. I can think of others, but they’re not close to large cities. I really like the Rice suggestion too.</p>

<p>You might also want to look into Fordham as a safety. Maybe Tufts or Brandeis as well, as reach/matches (not sure how to classify them for you).</p>

<p>How “quickly and easily” are you thinking for access to a city?</p>

<p>There is a difference between Georgetown (where access by walking, taxi, etc is quick and easy) and, say, Princeton (where the nearest cities–NYC and Philadelphia) are both more than an hour away.</p>

<p>You can get the best of both worlds by applying to urban colleges with REAL campuses–namely, Columbia, Penn, and UChicago.</p>