My computer is screwed up.

<p>The size of text and the display is really annoying me. Let's say I put the 'view text' option on 'medium' in Internet Explorer, and I put the font size in settings on 'normal'. Alright, then I go to display properties, and if I try to put the screen resolution on 1024 x 768, the screen resolution (size of windows, etc) is blurry in areas, and text is bunched up on the sides of the screen. If I use those same text settings on 800 x 600, the screen resolution is really big, and it's like I'm blind or something..I mean, the screen is magnified too much. I can't get it 'normal'. And of course, 1280 x 1024 is very tiny and very blurry/text bunched up. Does anyone know what's wrong and what I can do to fix the problem? I tried alternating between the font sizes and the resolution, but every option presents a problem. The only other options besides 'normal' text in the settings is 'large' and 'extra large', which are too big.</p>

<p>is this just a problem with internet explorer, or does it exist with other programs like Microsoft Word?</p>

<p>on a side note, you should really ditch Internet explorer and get mozilla. Preferably now.;)</p>

<p>It happens with all of the other programs. MSN, wordpad, etc. The blurriness is really what irritates me, cuz I know it's putting stress on my eyes. Mozilla? What's great about mozilla? I've never heard of it before. Man this is irritating me so much, should I just get a new computer? Argh fal;fjdakl;fjad;sl</p>

<p>Well, first off: Internet Explorer is a bug-infested piece of crap. That's just putting it nicely. It's also extremely vulnerable to spyware and remote attacks, which often occurs without you even knowing it. </p>

<p>Mozilla Firefox is an independant browser that you download free. It's much safer because its not nearly as vulnerable to viruses or spyware attacks, and firefox has a wealth of customizeable options that Internet Explorer doesn't have.</p>

<p>On that note: How old is your monitor? It may be just that your screen is dying.</p>

<p>I just asked my bro about Mozilla, and he said it was good, but I shouldn't worry about it or something. But I'm still looking into it. I don't know, I think the monitor is fine, I really do think it's the computer. I should probably just save my files and trade it in for some finer equipment and pay a little more. Maybe this is my chance to get a laptop that I've wanted forever. Anyway, thanks for the help Ameechee :)</p>

<p>If all of your programs have the same display problem, there are two possibilities: Bad monitor or bad video card.</p>

<p>The easiest test is to borrow a friend's monitor or take your monitor to a friend with a computer and see what happens. If your friend's monitor displays correctly, then your video card or on-board video is bad.</p>

<p>If your monitor displays badly on your friend's PC, it's time to get a new monitor...</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Hold Ctrl and scoll with the scrollwheel of your mouse. That will change the font size which might help you.</p>

<p>Another posibility: blurred and bunched up text may be the result of a monitor that needs degaussing. That's where the monitor has come into close contact with an electromagnetic or magnetic source. A personal fan that you may have placed on top or next to your monitor could cause this problem. Refrigerator magnets used to hold up notes on your monitor can also cause problems. </p>

<p>Many monitors have a series of controls beneath the screen. Look for any documentation that may have come with your computer that tells you how to de-magnetize your screen. You can also do a search for your monitor's manufacturer on the net for more information...</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses! </p>

<p>Okay, the monitor (glass size) is 16". I don't know if this has anything to do with the problem.</p>

<p>The monitor is quite old I suppose, my dad used to use it in his old office a couple of years ago. It's a large monitor too, pretty inefficient in space conservation. </p>

<p>I tried taking a screen shot of my computer in the 'blurry' mode, which are the high resolution modes, and I wanted to send it to another computer to see if the problem was in the monitor or in the computer, but my bro was too stubborn to let me use his computer.
So I looked at the image on my own computer, under 800 x 600 resolution. It looked perfectly fine & clear. I switched to 1024 x 768, and it's still blurryish on the left, and the text is bunched up on the right. I do have some metal above my monitor, so I'll try the degaussing thing. </p>

<p>When I put my computer in a higher screen resolution, you can tell it's physically blurrier. I don't know why it's clear on 800 x 600. Maybe because that mode just makes everything seem bigger and hence naturally clearer?</p>

<p>So I guess this is just a monitor problem?</p>

<p>probably monitor, but yea, i suggest using the degauss or auto adjust... which you might not have if it's that old</p>