My D is loving the SITE program

<p>My D2 is at the SITE program at Bama. (Student Introduction to Engineering). I would recommend it to anyone that is interested in Bama and/or engineering. The students at very well-chaperoned. </p>

<p>The day starts early with breakfast at 7am. They take four 50 minute classes per day. One in English/Technical Writing; Computer Science; Math (it’s Trig); and Intro to Engineering.
in between the classes they have either an actual tour of an engineering dept. or someone speaks to them about it. All engineering depts. are ultimately presented. Did you know that they have metallurgical engineering?</p>

<p>There is a project that the students work on in groups of 4. This year it’s an audio-type project. Not sure how to describe it. They also have to write a technical report about it.
My D is having so much fun doing the project, meeting the other students, and talking with the professors. </p>

<p>The parents were invited to a nice dinner in a “skybox” in Bryant-Denny Stadium. The nice folks told us about some of the things our students would be doing this week. We had some dinner. After dinner I went over to look over the stadium. So beautiful! I haven’t been to a game yet so it was all new to me.</p>

<p>There will be a tour of the locker rooms and stadium on Friday before the certificate awarding ceremony. I will be there! You all know that Bama does it right! Roll Tide Roll!!</p>

<p>Nice to hear about another young lady who has found SITE to be a great experience. DD LOVED SITE last summer, too.</p>

<p>I swear, Bama has more awesome programs for high schoolers that I’ve heard of. No one else we know has participated or even mentioned the schools they are looking at having these kinds of programs. Yes, Bama does it right!</p>

<p>I’m jealous, we didn’t get fed at the stadium. But Presidential is very nice!</p>

<p>Thank you, Cuttlefish, my DD goes to SITE the 21st, nice to know a little more of what is ahead for her.</p>

<p>Cuttlefish - I’m happy to get the update! It sounds great, and my son thinks it sounds like a lot of fun.</p>

<p>SpaceCoastMom - my son will be attending that session, too!</p>

<p>It will be our first trip to UA. I’m looking forward to checking it all out!</p>

<p>The students were scheduled for a trip to Alabama Power but it was canceled for some reason. That’s too bad as my D was interested in seeing the power plant. They are working on something else for the students to see. </p>

<p>I hear that SITE 2 might be going to the Mercedes plant for a tour. I went to the Mercedes Visitor Center and Museum by myself this week. Don’t confuse it with the tour. </p>

<p>Maryjay60 are you staying for the week? Anyone else staying for the week?</p>

<p>Cuttlefish- it is too far to drive home for the few days of camp, so my husband and I are headed to Gulf Shores for four days! Nice! I did spend three days by myself in central Ohio while my son was at Throws Camp at Denison. Such excitement - I got to see the Longaberger building that looks like a basket!</p>

<p>Too bad the group couldn’t see the power plant! I hope they find a comparable visit for them elsewhere.</p>

<p>Can someone provide a list of the actual professors who are involved in SITE this year? Also, about how many upper-class UA students are serving as mentors/guides for this program this summer? Glad to hear that everything is going well. These summer programs are a great way to ‘try on’ both a a field of study and a campus, before committing.</p>

<p>Nice vacation for you Mary and husband! I have seen the basket on TV. It is a hoot!</p>

<p>Aeromom: I do not have a list of professors. I can try and ask my D when she calls. There are 8 “live-in” guides that take the students from class to class. They have the girls on one side of the dorm and the boys on the other side of the dorm. My D has seen a few Avanti?-type folks around that she recognizes as her sister’s friends. Kinda nice.</p>

<p>I would have to get more info from my D. They really keep them very busy. Last night they were scheduled to go bowling at Bama Bowl.</p>

<p>my friend’s D is at SITE as well. Good reports so far. She’s a rising senior who’ll be coming to Bama a year from now.</p>

<p>Great! My D said there were only about 10 girls so they have already probably met. :)</p>

<p>Sounds fun!! Wishing now I had signed my S up for this. I assume it is too late for the one starting on the 21st?? :)</p>

<p>Beadymom - Who knows? There might still be room. </p>

<p>Contact Greg Singleton at <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>I think he is the person in charge.</p>

<p>He is the one in charge. Good luck!</p>

<p>Yesterday the students went to the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum. This replaced the planned Alabama Power Plant field trip that was cancelled. D enjoyed the BCRM even though she would have preferred the other. </p>

<p>Back to campus for lunch and then the 1.25 hour wrap up of the classes. It included a math test! Then a 2 hour competition for the design contest. Something to do with audio files? I still need a good explanation from my D. </p>

<p>Pizza party and Student Panel. I’m guessing that current students answer questions about UA. </p>

<p>Movie at the off-campus movie house.</p>

<p>Back to the dorm to pack.</p>

<p>Today: Up at 6:30-7:30am to load your suitcases on the bus. Then breakfast; evaluations; tour of the Metallurgical Engineering building. Break time then the tour of the stadium! </p>

<p>Lastly, the luncheon at Bryant-Denny with an Award Ceremony. </p>

<p>My D has had a great time, met wonderful teachers, prospective students, and actual students. I am sure she will sleep for a week!! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>[Teenagers</a> study potential of engineering education |](<a href=“]Teenagers”></p>

<p>Which one of those sets of hairy legs belongs to Cuttlefish’s D? ;)</p>

<p>Too funny! My D isn’t in the photo but she remembers the tour. I hope this week’s group is having a great time. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, the stadium tour was cancelled for the “SITE I” group and their parents. But the awards ceremony was exciting. They give out awards to the top 3 students in each of 3 classes. The groups can also win awards on their group project. Every student’s name is called for a certificate. (That’s when they take your photo, so smile!) The camp counselors also give an award for their favorite camper.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>My son is at SITE this week. It is a smaller group than the last two weeks, supposedly. He is having a great time! They fed us well at the opening dinner - steak and potatoes at The South Zone (meeting/banquet area in the south end zone overlooking the stadium field)
The project is a glider this week. They are supposed to tour Mercedes tomorrow.
As seems usual for UA, everyone has been very, very nice!</p>

<p>I went to the SITE luncheon last Friday. The South Zone is a fun place to host such an event. </p>

<p>Dr. Karr spoke and he was VERY inspirational to the 50 high school kids that were there. He’s very down-to-earth and does a great job speaking. He didn’t speak from the podium, but instead chose to walk to a center area of the luncheon tables…really connecting to the students and parents.</p>

<p>That’s the name! South Zone. Glad your S is having fun.</p>

<p>Dr. Karr is a fabulous speaker and a very nice man. I always enjoy what he has to say.</p>