My Dream School Is Ucsd--am I Being Unrealistic?

<p>so the decisions are coming in less then 2 weeks and i am dying, from the feedback ive heard im expecting a rejection, but you never know. what do you guys think????
SAT- 1310(660v.650m)
SAT 2's-630 Biology,620 Writing, 570 Math 1C
10th grade
HP English-B A
Chemistry-B B
Algebra 2 -A B<br>
World History-A A
Spanish 2 -A A</p>

AP Bio- B B
AP English-B A
Pre Calc- A A
Spanish 3-A A
Us History-A A</p>

<p>this year im taking ap calc AB, ap psych, ap english, and government/econ</p>

<p>Ive done many hours of community service for a political campaign, and at the Red cross</p>

<p>I have played varsity tennis, track and cross country for 4 years and im in alot of clubs at school</p>

<p>I also took Physics at a community college and got a B, my UC gpa is a 3.88, im also white so that doesnt help</p>

<p>what do you guys think!!!!!!!!ahhh</p>

<p>No, I think UCSD is a match for you. A couple of my cousins go there, and it's one of my top choice. Awesome campus</p>

<p>you should be fine. but San Diego sucks, go bears.</p>

<p>I'd say 40% chance more or less depending on major. More if non impact major, less if science or engineering.</p>

<p>you should be applying to UCLA and UC Berk. Seriously..your stats r0x3rs..but just wondering...were u ELC? if u were, you would be in fsho</p>

<p>I think you're more likely in than out (match). I usuallly don't do what are my chances posts, but you seem really nice, so why not</p>

<p>thanks for all the feedback guys! no im not an ELC ( i wish) and ive also applied to ucla, berk, santa barbara and ive been accepted to irvine
i also forgot to mention that im on the yearbook staff</p>

<p>aww man! if u were woulda prolly made all UC's</p>

<p>wat exactly is ur UC GPA? just wondering..cuz our school's cut off for elc was 4.1</p>

<p>my UC gpa is a 3.88 ( pretty low) and im applying with a psychology major to san diego, various majors at other colleges too. I picked ones that i thought would help me get in</p>

<p>Your SAT IIs are suffering a bit, but UCSD is still a good match for you.</p>

<p>UCSD is a match, you already made it in irvine, and I'd consider SB a safety for you.</p>