<p>Basically, I've done a couple of random things here and there, such as varsity soccer in 9th grade but I quit (even though I wasn't bad) because it was time consuming and my parents refused to support me by not giving me a ride home after practices/games, constantly bashing it, etc. I probably won't even mention it since it's so out of place </p>
<p>I've joined a couple of clubs really for the hell of it, I wasn't active, didn't hold positions or anything. Plus I go to a rural small school, total enrolled about 500, so the clubs offered were nothing to brag about anyway.</p>
<p>But I have a passion to go to medical school, and I'm working hard now so I can take the MCAT maybe a year after I graduate high school.</p>
<p>This summer I'm taking chemistry classes, going to do organic chemistry at a college nearby hopefully during my senior year, and I've already covered the basic biology class with ap biology. I'm doing ap physics this summer online, and taking ap english my senior year, along with AP calculus. These are the 4 core classes you need to do well in to score well on the mcat, math isn't even on the test, although it's supposed to be covered.</p>
<p>So along with all of these courses I"m doing over the summer, I shadowed a doctor and I volunteered, both overseas and here, in a hospital. I've also taken anatomy & physiology as a class, and I did a summer camp where I performed several dissections. </p>
<p>During the school year, the only real ec's i have is the math club, will probably be captain senior year, language lessons several times every week, babysitting since forever (like as a job), and volunteering here and there. parents wouldn't let me get a job as it will "interfere with studies".</p>
<p>no sports, no real club committment, no yearbook editor, no instrument played for 10+ years, or anything that people usually do.</p>
what do you think? =</p>
<p>other info i guess, valedictorian, fluent in 2 languages, 2200 on SAT (plan to retake), and i'm still yet to take SAT IIs, hopefully 750+ on math 2c, chemistry, and biology. good recommendations from bio and chem teacher, possibly another from the doctor i shadowed. parents are doctors so not sure if that helps, but i'm 1st out of 6 kids . .</p>